J-GLOBAL ID:200901048403118550
Update date: Aug. 28, 2018
Inoue Seisaku
イノウエ セイサク | Inoue Seisaku
Research field (1):
Science education
Research keywords (2):
, Art Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 1975 - 美的教育の研究
- 1975 - Study on Aesthetic Education
MISC (30):
研究とディシプリンについて. 三重大学美術科研究紀要. 1997. 4
Study of arts Education and Discipline. Bulletin of the Fine arts Depertment, the Faculty of Education, Mie University 4. 1997. 4
総合的な単元学習における美的体験. 三重大学図工・美術・工芸教育研究会紀要. 1996. 2
芸術批評能力を鍛える鑑賞教育. 三重大学図工・美術・工芸教育研究会紀要. 1996. 2
新しい価値基準の獲得と個性教育. 三重大学図工・美術・工芸教育研究会紀要. 1996. 2
Books (18):
日本文教出版株式会社 1999
A Teaching Methods for Arts and Crafts-Theory and Practice(a joint work)
Nihon Bunkyo Syuppan 1999
総合教科「芸術」の教科課程と教授法の研究 1996
Art Education and Manual Training
In Curricalum and Education of Comprehensive Art Course 1996
科学研究費補助金による共同研究成果報告 1995
Works (23):
Published "Aesthetics for living" by Yamamoto Masa
2003 -
2003 -
Published "Aesthetics for living" by Yamamoto Masao
2003 -
2001 -
Held"the 15th One-man Exhibition of INOUE SEISAKU"At Gallery Michi in Urawa, exhibiting approximately 10 works.
2001 -
Education (4):
- - 1977 Tokyo University of the Arts
- - 1977 Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School, Division of Fine Arts
- - 1965 Tokyo University of the Arts
- - 1965 Tokyo University of the Arts Faculty of Fine Arts
Professional career (1):
- Master of science of arts (Tokyo University of the Arts)
Work history (1):
- University of Yamanashi Faculty of Education and Human Sciences, Art Education Course
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本デザイン学会
, 美術科教育学会
, インシア(INSEA : International Society for Edcation through Art)
, 美学会
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