Research field (2):
Mathematical analysis
, Algebra
Research keywords (9):
, quantum group
, affine Lie algebra
, discretization
, quantization
, Painleve system
, isomonodromic system
, integrable system
, conformal field theory
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2004 - 現在 Representation theoretic research of quantum Painleve systems
2000 - 現在 Sato theory of toroidal soliton systems
1996 - 現在 Representation theoretic approach to quantum integrable systems
1990 - 現在 Representation theory of affine Lie algebras
1988 - 現在 Representation theoretic approach to conformal field theory
Papers (7):
Gen Kuroki. Regularity of quantum tau-functions generated by quantum birational Weyl group actions. arXiv. 2012
Gen Kuroki. Quantum groups and quantization of Weyl group symmetries of Painleve systems. EXPLORING NEW STRUCTURES AND NATURAL CONSTRUCTIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. 2011. 61. 289-325