J-GLOBAL ID:200901049620130378   Update date: Aug. 28, 2022

Sugiura Ichiro

スギウラ イチロウ | Sugiura Ichiro
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (3): Civil law ,  Social law ,  International law
Research keywords  (4): 商法 ,  経済法 ,  Commercial Law ,  Economic Law
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • 購買力の濫用規制
  • EC経済法とドイツ経済法
  • The Control of Abuse of Buying Power
  • EC and German Economic Law
MISC (33):
  • Review of Merger Control-Geneval Remarks. The Annual of the Japan Association of Economic Law. 2003. 24, 1-16
  • The Prospect and Retrospect of Economic Law Case in 2002. The Horitsu Jiho. 2003. 75. 6. 187-194
  • 企業結合規制の再検討・総論. 日本経済法学会年報. 2003. 24, 1-16
  • 判例回顧と展望 経済法. 法律時報 臨時増刊 判例回顧と展望2002. 2003. 75. 6. 187-194
  • Review of Merger Control-Geneval Remarks. The Annual of the Japan Association of Economic Law. 2003. 24, 1-16
Books (19):
  • 企業結合の制限(1)-経済力集中の規制
    日本経済法学会編 経済法講座第2巻 独禁法の理論と展開〔1〕(三省堂) 2002
  • 経済法〔第3版〕
    法律文化社 2002
  • Business Combination Control(1)-Control of Economic Power Concentration
    The Japan Association of Economic Law, The Series of Economic Law 2d Vol. The Theory and Development of Anti-monopoly Law[1] 2002
  • Economic Law (3d Ed.)
  • On the 6th Amendment of German Anti-monopoly Act (GWB)-from the viewpoint of discussions of harmonisation to EU Competition Law
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK)
Committee career (1):
  • 1999 - 日本経済法学会 理事,運営委員
Association Membership(s) (7):
日本国際経済法学会 ,  ドイツ比較法学会(Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung) ,  金融法学会 ,  日本EU学会 ,  日本経済法学会 ,  日米法学会 ,  日本私法学会
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