J-GLOBAL ID:200901049766045488
Update date: Apr. 27, 2014
Tanaka Hisao
タナカ ヒサオ | Tanaka Hisao
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Literature - European
Research keywords (2):
, English Language and Literature
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
MISC (45):
Two American Dreamers in Faulkner's Fiction. Hiroshima Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities. 2003. 2. 28-37
Two American Dreamers in Faulkner's Fiction. Hiroshima Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities. 2003. 2. 28-37
Sula and Caddy: Intertextual Resonances between Sula and The Sound and the Fury. Hiroshima Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities. 2002. 1. 1-14
ヘミングウェイとフォークナー--《氷山理論》と《波紋理論》. 日本ヘミングウェイ協会. 2002. 3. 15-30
Sula and Caddy: Intertextual Resonances between Sula and The Sound and the Fury. Hiroshima Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities. 2002. 1. 1-14
Books (5):
ミネルヴァ書房 1994
英河井迪男先生退官記念英語英文学研究 1993
McCullersのThe Ballad of the Sad Caf(]J1117[)-愛と孤独の寓話
垣田直己先生退官記念英語教育学研究 1987
Fable の中の《馬泥棒の物語》-- Inter-nationallism の中の Americanism
松元寛先生退官記念英米文学語学研究(英宝社) 1987
『吉田弘重先生退官記念英語学英文学研究』(篠崎書林) 1980
Works (2):
1997 - 2000
A Systematic Study of the Legacy of Faulkner's Fiction in Contomporary American Literature
1997 - 2000
Education (6):
Professional career (3):
- Master of Arts (Hiroshima University)
- Master of Arts in English (University of Virginia)
- 文学修士 (ヴァージニア大学)
Work history (10):
- 2009/04 - 現在 Fukuyama University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Professor
- 1995/04 - 2009/03 広島文学文学部教授
- 1995 - 2003 Faculty of Letters, Hiroshima University, Professor
- 1982 - 1995 Hiroshima University School of Letters
- 1982 - 1995 Faculty of Letters, Hiroshima University, Associate Professor
- 1980 - 1982 Hiroshima University School of Integrated Arts and Sciences
- 1980 - 1982 Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University, Associate Professor
- 1973 - 1980 Kyushu Institute of Technology
- 1973 - 1980 Kyushu Institute of Technology
- Assistant Professor& Associate Professor
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Awards (2):
- 2001 - バイオ協和賞
- 2001 - The BioKyowa Award
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