J-GLOBAL ID:200901050450982062   Update date: Jan. 22, 2025

Matsuzoe Hiroshi

マツゾエ ヒロシ | Matsuzoe Hiroshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): http://matsuzoe.web.nitech.ac.jp/
Research field  (1): Geometry
Research keywords  (2): mathematics ,  geometry
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (17):
  • 2019 - 2023 微分幾何学的視点からの情報幾何学の再構築
  • 2016 - 2020 Unified construction of geometric theory for information space and morphological information science
  • 2015 - 2020 Generalized conformal structures on statistical manifolds
  • 2014 - 2019 Mathematical Foundations of Multidisciplinary Computational Anatomy
  • 2011 - 2015 Geometry of statistical manifolds for integrable and non-integrable systems
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Papers (40):
  • Tatsuaki Wada, Antonio M. Scarfone, Hiroshi Matsuzoe. Huygens’ equations and the gradient-flow equations in information geometry. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics. 2023. 20. 14
  • Hiroshi Matsuzoe, Asuka Takatsu. Invariant Metric Under Deformed Markov Embeddings with Overlapped Supports. Results in Mathematics. 2021. 76. 2
  • Tatsuaki Wada, Antonio M. Scarfone, Hiroshi Matsuzoe. An eikonal equation approach to thermodynamics and the gradient flows in information geometry. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2021. 570. 125820-125820
  • Keisuke Haba, Hiroshi Matsuzoe. Complex affine distributions. Differential Geometry and its Applications. 2021. 75. 101734-101734
  • Antonio M Scarfone, Hiroshi Matsuzoe, Tatsuaki Wada. A study of Rényi entropy based on the information geometry formalism. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2020. 53. 14. 145003-145003
MISC (14):
  • Hiroshi Matsuzoe. Half a century of information geometry, part 1. Information Geometry. 2023. 7. S1. 3-8
  • J. Zhang, H. Matsuzoe. Entropy, cross-entropy, relative entropy: Deformation theory. Europhysics Letters. 2021. 134. 1. 18001-18001
  • Hiroshi Matsuzoe, Asuka Takatsu. Gauge Freedom of Entropies on q-Gaussian Measures. Signals and Communication Technology. 2021. 127-152
  • Hiroshi Matsuzoe. Information and Geometry. Mathematical Sciences. 2019. 57. 5. 55-61
  • Masayuki Henmi, Hiroshi Matsuzoe. Statistical Manifolds Admitting Torsion and Partially Flat Spaces. Geometric Structures of Information. 2019. 37-50
Committee career (1):
  • 2011/09 - 現在 日本数学会 幾何学分科会・拡大幹事
Association Membership(s) (1):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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