J-GLOBAL ID:200901050480466700
Update date: Sep. 11, 2022
Takahashi Kunihiro
タカハシ クニヒロ | Takahashi Kunihiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Machine materials and mechanics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2003 - マイクロモード物質の概念の導入と薄肉構造への適用
- 2003 - Development of the theory of micromode materials and its applocation to thin-walled members
- 1998 - 荷重経路U*解析による構造物中の荷重の流れ
- 1998 - Load path analysis for structures using U* values
MISC (122):
H Hoshino, T Sakurai, K Takahashi. Vibration reduction in the cabins of heavy-duty trucks using the theory of load transfer paths. JSAE REVIEW. 2003. 24. 2. 165-171
H Hoshino, T Sakurai, K Takahashi. Vibration reduction in the cabins of heavy-duty trucks using the theory of load transfer paths. JSAE REVIEW. 2003. 24. 2. 165-171
Airbag Deployment and Ocular Injuries of Occupants. The 18th International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, JSAE, Nagoya. 2003
Atomistic Foundation of Solid Mechanics and Thermomechanics. 5th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC), Thessaloniki. 2003
Toshiaki Sakurai, Junichi Tanaka, Akinori Otani, Changjun Zhang, Kunihiro Takahashi. Load path optimization and U * structural analysis for passenger car compartments under frontal collision. SAE Technical Papers. 2003
Books (1):
Works (60):
2003 -
2003 -
2002 -
2002 -
2001 -
Professional career (1):
Committee career (2):
- 1990 - 日本機械学会 第二出版部会 校閲委員
- 1989 - 設計工学会 校閲委員
Awards (3):
- 1984 - ばね技術研究会賞学術賞
- 1972 - 自動車技術会賞学術賞
- 1971 - 日産自動車社長賞
Association Membership(s) (2):
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