Research theme for competitive and other funds (43):
2020 - 2025 Global redistribution of heat, salt and materials induced by sea-ice processes
2022 - 2023 熱-水-物質の巨大リザーバ:全球環境変動を駆動する南大洋・南極氷床
2019 - 2023 Sea-ice reduction in the Pacific Arctic during summer from the variability of sea-ice thickness during winter
2020 - 2022 Discrimination method of suspended matter by ADCP and its application to investigation of material circulation
2017 - 2022 Giant reservoirs of heat/water/material : Global environmental changes driven by Southern Ocean and Antarctic Ice Sheet
2017 - 2022 南極底層水を起点とする熱塩循環・物質循環のダイナミクス
2017 - 2020 ポリニヤを起点とする熱塩/物質循環
2015 - 2019 Study of sea-ice and oceanic variability off the northern Alaskan coast
2013 - 2017 海氷生成とリンクする南極底層水・深層循環の再描像
2013 - 2016 南極沿岸ポリニヤの研究:特に定着氷との関係と高密度水形成について
2010 - 2015 Elucidation of thermohaline/biogeochemical circulation systems connecting the Sea of Okhotsk with subarctic North Pacific Ocean
2010 - 2015 Atmosphere-ocean-sea ice interaction processes in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Arctic Region
2011 - 2013 Development of a measurement method of sea-ice thickness by acoustic Doppler current profiler
2008 - 2012 海氷生産量のグローバルマッピングとモニタリング構築
2007 - 2009 Elucidating mechanisms of intermediate layer warming in the Sea of Okhotsk and North Pacific.
2005 - 2008 オホーツク海における、海水・海氷・油の流動予測システムの開発
2008 - 2008 海氷生産量のグローバルマッピングと中深層水の変動機構の解明
2006 - 2008 Modeling of the Intermediate Circulation and Material Transferin the Pan-Okhotsk Region
2005 - 2007 Quantitative evaluations of ocean circulation and meridional themohaline transport in the Indian sector of Antarctic
2005 - 2007 Direct turbulence observation around Kuril Straits and studies on the impact of the tidal mixing on the North Pacific
2005 - 2006 Mechanism of clockwise circulations in the southern Sea of Okhotsk
2002 - 2004 Roles of ice-bands for the formation of seasonal ice zone
2002 - 2004 Clarification of Antarctic Bottom Water circulation in the Indian sector of Antarctic, particularly direct observation of its meridionall volume transport
2000 - 2003 海氷・海洋結合系におけるアイスアルベドフィードバック
1997 - 1999 Clarification of growth processes found in deep snow-covered regions and inspection of its generality
1997 - 1999 Sea ice / ocean coupled system in the melting season for seasonal ice zones
1997 - 1998 Analysis of water mixing history in high latitude oceans using chemical tracers of the third generation
1995 - 1997 On roles of mesoscale variability and fresh water flux on deep water formation
1995 - 1997 A study on mechanisms for the formation of polynyas in the Antarctic
1996 - 1996 衛星と現場観測による、オホーツク海の海氷変動とそれに伴なう熱塩収支過程
1994 - 1994 南極海域における、海氷融解過程に関する研究
1993 - 1993 南極海域における、大気場に対する海洋場の季節応答に関する研究
1993 - 1993 日本海底層水形成に関わる間宮海峡の海洋・海氷研究
1993 - 1993 極域海洋における氷山融解過程の研究
1992 - 1992 南極海域における熱塩収支と海氷・海洋場の変動に関する研究
1991 - 1992 A New Finding of Large-Scale Ocean Eddy in the Antarctic
1990 - Ocean circulation and ice-ocean interaction in high latitude
1989 - 1989 極域海洋が海洋熱塩循環に果たす役割に関する数値的研究
1988 - 1988 寒冷海域における深層海水の形成過程に関する研究
1987 - 1987 宗谷暖流の変動に関する数値的研究
1987 - 1987 寒冷海域における深層海水の形成過程に関する研究
Show all
Papers (208):
Haruhiko Kashiwase, Kay I. Ohshima, Takeshi Tamura. Development and Validation of a Global Thin Ice Thickness Algorithm for SMMR. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 2025. 42. 1. 47-62
Vigan Mensah, Yen-Chen Chen, Daiki Nomura, Hiromichi Ueno, Hwa Chien, Kay I. Ohshima. Multidecadal decline in sea ice meltwater volume and Pacific Winter Water salinity in the Bering Sea revealed by ocean observations. Progress in Oceanography. 2025. 230. 103377-103377
Vigan Mensah, Kay I. Ohshima, Robert Drucker, Stephen Riser. Evaluation of the Water Mass Composition in the Sea of Okhotsk and Its Long-Term Change Using an Advanced Mapping Technique. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2024
Genta Mizuta, Kay I. Ohshima, Toru Takatsuka, Yujiro Kitade, Masakazu Fujii, Yoshihiro Nakayama, Minoru Ikehara. Circulation and production of Cape Darnley Bottom Water on the continental slope off the Cape Darnley polynya, East Antarctica. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 2024. 104362-104362
Naoto Ebuchi, Yasushi Fukamachi, Kay I. Ohshima, Humio Mitsudera, Jun Nishioka, Toru Takatsuka, Kazuya Ono, Masao Ishikawa, Takaharu Daibo, Kunio Shirasawa, et al. Long-term observation of the Soya Warm Current using HF ocean radars: relationship between the Soya Warm Current variability and the sea level anomalies in the Soya/La Perouse Strait. Journal of Oceanography. 2024
Y. Fukamachi, K. I. Ohshima, D. Simizu, T. Tamura, Y. Kitade, S. Aoki, S. Ushio, G. Hashida, and M. Wakatsuchi: Mooring measurement of Antarctic Bottom Water export from the Cape Darnley Polynya and sea-ice thickness within this polynya, WCRP Open Scie・・・
2011 -
Tamura, T., K. I. Ohshima, S. Nihashi, and H. Hasumi: Estimation of surface heat/salt fluxes associated with sea ice growth/melt in the Southern Ocean, IUGG 2011, Melbourne (Australia), July 3, 2011.
2011 -
Tamura, T., and K. I. Ohshima: Mapping of sea ice production in the Arctic coastal polynyas, IUGG 2011, Melbourne (Australia), July 1, 2011.
2011 -
Ohshima, K. I., Y. Fukamachi, Y. Nakayama, T. Tamura, S. Nihashi, Y. Kitade, Y. Matsumura, H. Hasumi, S. Aoki, and M. Wakatsuchi: Formation of Antarctic Bottom Water off Cape Darnley with huge sea ice production, IUGG 2011, Melbourne (Australia), July ・・・
2011 -
Ohshima, K. I., S. C. Riser: Ocean salinity profiles teach us thinning and volume decrease of the Okhotsk sea-ice cover, IUGG 2011, Melbourne (Australia), June 30, 2011.
2011 -
2016/04 - Minister of Education、Culture、Sports、Science and Technology Commendation for Science and Technology
2015/03 - Oceanographic Society of Japan The Prize of the Oceanographic Society of Japan Studies on the variability of sea ice and its effects on ocean circulation
2008/11 - Meteorological Society of Japan The Horiuchi Prize
2008/03 - 日本海洋学会 奨励論文賞
1996/04 - Oceanographic Society of Japan The Okada Prize
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Association Membership(s) (9):
, 日本海洋学会(評議員)
, Journal of Geophysical Research
, 日本海洋学会
, American Geophysical Union
, Meteorological Society of Japan
, Oceanographic Society of Japan
, the Meteorological Society of Japan