J-GLOBAL ID:200901050812602360
Update date: Jan. 07, 2025
Yagasaki Kazuhiro
ヤガサキ カズヒロ | Yagasaki Kazuhiro
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Plant genetics and breeding
Papers (14):
Tomiko Asakura, Tomoko Tamura, Kaede Terauchi, Tomoyo Narikawa, Kazuhiro Yagasaki, Yoshiro Ishimaru, Keiko Abe. Global gene expression profiles in developing soybean seeds. Plant physiology and biochemistry : PPB. 2012. 52. 147-53
Takanori Yoshikawa, Yutaka Okumoto, Daisuke Ogata, Takashi Sayama, Masayoshi Teraishi, Masakazu Terai, Toshiya Toda, Katsushige Yamada, Kazuhiro Yagasaki, Naohiro Yamada, et al. Transgressive segregation of isoflavone contents under the control of four QTLs in a cross between distantly related soybean varieties. BREEDING SCIENCE. 2010. 60. 3. 243-254
YAMADA Naohiro, MURAYAMA Satoshi, NOGUCHI Tadahisa, SEKI Kousuke, SAKAMOTO Hidehiko, YAGASAKI Kazuhiro. Reduction of Soybean Growth Damage from Soybean Cyst Nematode Caused by Preceding of Resistant cv. "Peking". The Hokuriku Crop Science. 2010. 45. 45. 65-68
Kyoko Toda, Kyoko Chiba, Kazuhiro Yagasaki, Koji Takahashi, Makita Hajika, Tomotada Ono. Soybean Components Affect Physicochemical Properties of Soymilk, Coagulation Reactivity and Tofu Texture. CHEMISTRY, TEXTURE, AND FLAVOR OF SOY. 2010. 1059. 255-276
Tomoyo Narikawa, Tomoko Tamura, Kazuhiro Yagasaki, Kaede Terauchi, Kazutsuka Sanmiya, Yoshiro Ishimaru, Keiko Abe, Tomiko Asakura. Expression of the stress-related genes for glutathione S-transferase and ascorbate peroxidase in the most-glycinin-deficient soybean cultivar Tousan205 during seed maturation. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. 2010. 74. 9. 1976-9
MISC (73):
MARUYAMA Hideyuki, OKAMOTO Kiyoshi, YAGASAKI Kazuhiro, YOSHIDA Seishi. Relationship between Isolation Distance from Other Varieties and Degree of Crossing in Buckwheat Cultivation. The Hokuriku Crop Science. 2022. 57. 57. 51-54
Ebara, Y., Yamaguchi, H., Yagasaki, K., Ozawa, T. Breeding of a new everbearing strawberry cultivar ‘Cho・ya53’. 2021. 17. 26-32
田淵 秀樹, 前島 秀和, 上原 泰, 牛山 智彦, 細野 哲, 中村 和弘, 酒井 長雄, 中澤 伸夫, 高橋 信夫, 吉田 清志, et al. もち性大麦新品種「ホワイトファイバー」について-A New Waxy Barley Cultivar "White Fiber". 長野県農業試験場報告 = Bulletin of the Nagano Prefecture Agricultural Experiment Station. 2020. 2. 40-47
細井 淳, 高松 光生, 久保田 基成, 牛山 智彦, 新井 利直, 酒井 長雄, 吉田 清志, 矢ケ崎 和弘. 酒造好適米新品種「山恵錦」について-A New Rice Cultivar for Sake brewery "Sankeinishiki". 長野県農業試験場報告 = Bulletin of the Nagano Prefecture Agricultural Experiment Station. 2020. 2. 48-55
YAGASAKI Kazuhiro. Breeding of soybean varieties with high-processing suitability and cultivating adaptability in Hokuriku region and Nagano Prefecture. The Hokuriku Crop Science. 2019. 54. 1-3
Patents (2):
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