Tatsuo Suwa. Relative Dolbeault cohomology and Sato hyperfunctions. RIMS Kokyuroku "Microlocal Analysis and Asymptotic Analysis". 2019. 2101. 119-132
Tatsuo Suwa. Relative cohomology for the sections of a complex of fine sheaves. Proceedings of the 2017 Algebraic Geometry Symposium at Kinosaki International Arts Center. 2018. 113-128
Tatsuo Suwa. Local Euler obstructions of 1-forms on singular varieties. RIMS Kokyuroku "Recent Topics on Real and Complex Singularities". 2006. 1501. 116-123
Tatsuo Suwa. INTERSECTIONS, RESIDUE THEOREMS ON SINGULAR SURFACES AND APPLICATIONS (Complex Dynamics). RIMS Kokyuroku (Complex Dynamics). 2005. 1447. 239-245