Research keywords (2):
Migration History
, Modern and Contemporary History of Italy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
Study on the History of Social Network in the Modern Southern Italy
Study on the History of Italian Emigration from the Unification to the Second World War
Papers (12):
Kitamura Akeo. Italian Immigrants in Switzerland and the Policy of Their Protection: Froma the Late Nineteenth Century to the World War I. Journal of historical studies. 2009. 50. 50. 110-138
KITAMURA Akeo. The Italian Emigrants and the Exiles to the Southern France from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Fascist Era. The Journal of Agricultural History. 2009. 43. 43. 3-13
Kitamura Akeo. The Moving Practices of the Italian Immigrants and the Making of the Immigrants Communities in France - From the Late Nineteenth Century to the World War I. Journal of historical studies. 2008. 49. 49. 105-132
The Link between Italy and Argentina through their migrants. Shikai. 2004. 51. 14-25
New perspectives on the European Emigration History. Rekishi Hyoron. 2002. 625. 2-16