J-GLOBAL ID:200901051298353638
Update date: Sep. 27, 2022
Mizote Mari
ミゾテ マリ | Mizote Mari
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Literature - European
Research keywords (2):
, Edmund Spenser
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 女性学 研究
- イギリス・ルネサンスの英詩研究
- Women's Studies
- Study of English Renaissance Poetry
MISC (10):
1588年、ジョン・ディーは何処に?. LANTERNA. 2003. 20, 1-8
"Discipline"の可能性-教育書としてのThe Faerie Queene. 帝塚山学院大学研究論集. 2001. 36, 63-75
溝手 真理. "you are Halfway Home"-おとぎ話のフェミニズム. 帝塚山学院大学研究論集. 2000. 35. 91-105
"This is, and is not, cressid"-<Troilus>-<and>-<Cressida>試論. 帝塚山学院大学研究論集. 1996. 31. 71-80
'providence'と'foreknowing'-『レーモン・スボンの弁護』と『ハムレット』. 帝塚山学院大学研究論集. 1993. 28, 1-12
Books (2):
シェイクスピアを学ぶ人のために(世界思想社) 2000
"Radigund ,Mirror of Elizabeth (]G0001[)? : The Conditions of Female Authority in ┣DBThe Faerie Queene(/)-┫DB"
Works (2):
Naomi Conn Liebler : <Shakespeare's Festive Tragedy : The Ritual Foundations of Genne> - (Routledge, 1995・XII+266pp)
1996 -
Graham Bradshaw : ┣DBShakespeare's Scepticism(/)-┫DB(The Harvester Press, 1987. xiii+269pp)
1993 -
Professional career (1):
- Master of Arts (Osaka University)
Work history (1):
- Tezukayama Gakuin University Faculty of Human and Cultural Studies, Department of Cultural Studies
Association Membership(s) (2):
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