Research field (3):
Database science
, Web and service informatics
, Intelligent informatics
Research keywords (6):
, データベースシステム
, 知識型システム
, media processing
, database system
, knowledge-based system
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
Research on Integration of knowledge-based and Database systems
Papers (52):
Hideaki Ito, Kyoko Raita. An Overview of a System for Relating Subjects in Meeting Minutes based on Community Str. The 10th IEEE CSDE 2023, the Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data En. 2023
Hideaki Ito, Saburou Iida. Transformation of Superposed Quantum States Using Measurement Operators. 2022. 1. 5
Hideaki Ito, Tsuyoshi Taki, Junichi Hasegawa, Kyoko Raita. Relationships among information items of meeting minutes in a minutes management system MRS. 2019. 159. 192-201
Hideaki Ito. Implementing a Prototype of Personal Speed Limit Alert on a Smartphone. Proceedings of The International Conference on Information Technology and Applications(ICITA). 2018
KAJIYAMA T. Experimental Results of Parallel Algorithms for Multiple-Precision Arithmetics. Proc. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI2001). 2001. 360-365