J-GLOBAL ID:200901051389988938   Update date: Jul. 18, 2024

funase kozo

フナセ コウゾウ | funase kozo
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Sports science
Research keywords  (5): Motor learning and M1 excitability ,  M1 plasiticity and motor peformence ,  Movement Control & Reflex Control ,  Hoffman Reflex ,  Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Papers (107):
  • Hirano M, Funase K. Reorganization of finger covariation patterns represented in the corticospinal system by learning of a novel movement irrelevant to common daily movements. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2019. in press
  • Hirano M, Kubota S, Furuya S, Koizume Y, Tanaka S, Funase K. Acquisition of skilled finger movements is accompanied by reorganization of the corticospinal system. Journal of neurophysiology. 2018. 119. 2. 573-584
  • Hirano M, Kubota S, Koizume Y, Funase K. Acquisition of motor memory determines the inter-individual variability of learning-induced plasticity in the primary motor cortex. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2018. 125. 990-998
  • 田中 新也, 平野 雅人, 窪田 慎治, 小井詰 喜希, 船瀬 広三. Corrective responses to unexpected target perturbation during a visuomotor tracking task. 日本運動生理学雑誌. 2017. 24. 2. 21-30
  • Koizume Y, Hirano M, Kubota S, Tanaka S, Funase K. Relationship between the changes in M1 excitability after motor learning and arousal state as assessed by short-latency afferent inhibition. Behavioural brain research. 2017. 330. 56-62
MISC (26):
  • 小井詰 喜希, 平野 雅人, 窪田 慎治, 田中 新也, 大高 洋平, 船瀬 広三. 覚醒度とshort-latency afferent inhibitionの関係性. 脳科学とリハビリテーション. 2017. 17. 49-49
  • 梁 楠, 船瀬 広三, 松川 寛二, 笠井 達哉. 片側肢の随意運動に伴う半球間抑制の動態-両側運動野経頭蓋磁気刺激法を用いた解析-. 2008
  • 成田 知弘, 船瀬 広三, 梁 楠, 笠井 達哉. 股関節肢位変化がヒラメ筋H反射に与える影響について. 2008
  • 成田 知弘, 船瀬 広三, 梁 楠, 笠井 達哉. 股関節の肢位変化が下肢遠位筋を支配する脊髄運動ニューロンの興奮性に与える影響について. 2008
  • 梁 楠, 村上 恒二, 船瀬 広三, 成田 知弘, 笠井 達哉. 随意筋収縮に伴う同側運動野の皮質内抑制と促通変化. 2007
Books (12):
  • 複雑動作学習におけるモデル映像提示効果に関する運動神経生理学的研究
  • 運動生理学のニューエビデンス
    真興交易医書出版部 2010
  • 身体運動におけるミラーニューロンシステムに関する研究
  • スポーツ科学事典
    平凡社 2006
  • 運動生理学シリーズ7, 運動と高次神経機能 -運動の脳内機能を探索する-
    杏林書院 2005
Lectures and oral presentations  (104):
  • 脊髄伸張反射の可塑性をもたらす神経機構
    (第48回日本リハビリテーション医学会学術集会シンポジウム 2011)
  • Effects of psychological pressure on motor cortex excitability and EMG activity in a choice reaction task
    (34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society 2011)
  • Evaluation of the lower-leg muscle characteristics in athletes with complete spinal cord injury
    (16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science 2011)
  • Effect of observation of an unacquired motor task with the motor imagery on motor cortical excitability
    (14th European Congress on Clinical Neurophysiology and 4th International Conference on TMS and tDCS 2011)
  • Effects of exercise-induced hyperthermia on neuromuscular function using transcranial magnetic stimulation
    (88th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Sociaty of Japan 2011)
Education (3):
  • 1980 - 1982 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Physical Education Exercise Physiology
  • 1976 - 1980 Nara University of Education Health and Sports Sciences Faculty of Education
  • 1976 - 1980 Nara University of Education Faculty of Education Health and Sports Sciences
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Physiology (Gifu University)
Work history (5):
  • 2006/04/01 - 2020/03/31 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences Professor
  • 2001/04/01 - 2006/03/31 Nagasaki University School of Health Sciences Professor
  • 1998/04/01 - 2001/03/31 Nagasaki University School of Allied Medical Sciences Professor
  • 1991/04/01 - 1998/03/31 Nagasaki University School of Allied Medical Sciences Associate Professor
  • 1984/04/01 - 1991/03/31 Gifu University Fuculty of Medicine Reseach assistant
Committee career (2):
  • 2018/04/01 - 2021/03/30 日本運動生理学会 理事長
  • 日本体力医学会 編集委員会委員
Awards (1):
  • 2005/07 - The 6th Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology Award Moduration of spinal streach reflex during voluntaly movement in human
Association Membership(s) (6):
Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology ,  Japan Society of Exercise Physiology and Sports Physiology ,  Alphar Club (Assembly of Latitudinarians for Physical Activity Research) ,  Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sports Sciences ,  The Physiological Society of Japan ,  The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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