J-GLOBAL ID:200901051512497014
Update date: Jul. 14, 2024
Ishimatsu Sumiyo
イシマツ スミヨ | Ishimatsu Sumiyo
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (3):
Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)
, Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
, Construction environment and equipment
Research keywords (3):
, エアロゾルの健康影響
, Health Effect of Aerosols
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
- 2020 - 2023 浮遊細菌数とエンドトキシン量に基づく室内のグラム陰性細菌曝露リスクの把握
- 2017 - 2020 Estimating exposure risk based on microbial concentrations and endotoxin levels in SPM and PM2.5
- 2011 - 2014 浮遊微生物の濃度と菌叢解析による室内環境リスク評価の試み
- 2009 - 2011 Synthetic evaluation of energy-saving efficiency and air contamination by microbe in air supply system using underground pit
- 2001 - 2003 Development of A Thermal Regeneration Method of Organic Vapor Respirator Cartridges
- 1997 - 1999 Development of a new respirator for organic vapors with a built-in breakthrough detector using semiconductor gas sensors.
- 1996 - 1997 Development of evaluation method on the health effects of multicomponent organic vapors using biological exposure indices
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Papers (59):
Mitsuo Hinoue, Sumiyo Ishimatsu, Yukiko Fueta, Hajime Hori. A new desorption method for removing organic solvents from activated carbon using surfactant. Journal of Occupational Health. 2017. 59. 2. 194-200
Mitsuo Hinoue, Sumiyo Ishimatsu, Toru Ishidao, Yukiko Fueta, Hajime Hori. Anaerobic bacterial contamination after use and assessment of countermeasures a dust mask facepiece. Sangyo eiseigaku zasshi = Journal of occupational health. 2016. 58. 5. 173-178
ISHIMATSU Sumiyo, HINOUE Mitsuo, HORI Hajime. The study of seasonal changes and sources of airborne microorganisms in different rooms of the usage in a university during two and a half years. Indoor Environment. 2016. 19. 2. 99-110
Hajime Hori, Mitsuo Hinoue, Sumiyo Ishimatsu, Yukiko Fueta, Toru Ishidao, Kaori Takabatake, Natsumi Yakiyama, Kiyoshi Yamamoto. Decomposition characteristics of toluene vapor using titanium dioxide photocatalyst and zeolite thermally sprayed on an aluminum fiber filter. Journal of UOEH. 2016. 38. 4. 305-309
Toru Ishidao, Sumiyo Ishimatsu, Hajime Hori. Estimation of equilibrated vapor concentrations using the UNIFAC model for the tetrachloroethylene-chlorobenzene system. Journal of UOEH. 2016. 38. 1. 9-16
MISC (160):
安松 絵梨, 笛田 由紀子, 今村 紀元, 樋上 光雄, 石松 維世, 保利 一. 51. 吸入曝露実験による1-ブロモプロパンの血中・脳内濃度の分析(第33回産業医科大学学会総会学術講演・展示抄録集). 産業医科大学雑誌. 2016. 38. 1. 109-109
田中 沙穂, 樋上 光雄, 石松 維世, 焼山 なつみ, 山本 清司, 坂口 昇平, 保利 一. 54. セピオライトを吸着材として用いた光触媒溶射フィルターの有機溶剤蒸気の分解特性(第33回産業医科大学学会総会学術講演・展示抄録集). 産業医科大学雑誌. 2016. 38. 1. 110-110
樋上 光雄, 石松 維世, 笛田 由紀子, 保利 一. 59. アニオンおよびノニオン界面活性剤を用いた活性炭からの有機溶剤脱着法の基礎的研究(第33回産業医科大学学会総会学術講演・展示抄録集). 産業医科大学雑誌. 2016. 38. 1. 113-113
下野 姫奈, 樋上 光雄, 石松 維世, 笛田 由紀子, 焼山 なつみ, 山本 清司, 坂口 昇平, 保利 一. 52. 光触媒溶射シリカゲルに対するメタノールの吸・脱着特性(第33回産業医科大学学会総会学術講演・展示抄録集). 産業医科大学雑誌. 2016. 38. 1. 109-109
平野 幹治, 樋上 光雄, 石松 維世, 笛田 由紀子, 山本 忍, 保利 一. 55. ポータブルガスクロマトグラフの混合有機溶剤に対する特性(第33回産業医科大学学会総会学術講演・展示抄録集). 産業医科大学雑誌. 2016. 38. 1. 111-111
Books (4):
Clearance time of deposited graphite whisker in rat lungs(共著)
Advances in the Prevention of Occupational Respiratory DiSeases 1998
Biopersistence of inhaled glass fibers in rat lungs(共著)
Advances in the Prevention of Occupational Respiratory Disseases 1998
A clearance model of inhaled glass fiber in rat lungs(共著)
Advances in the Prevention of Occupational Respiratory Diseases 1998
Clearance Mechanism of Inhaled Glass Fiber in Rats(共著)
Proceeding of 4th International Aerosol Conference 1994
Education (1):
- - 1982 Fukuoka Women's University
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本建築学会
, 日本細菌学会
, 日本労働衛生工学会
, 日本産業衛生学会
, 日本エアロゾル学会
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