J-GLOBAL ID:200901052444922557
Update date: Apr. 28, 2024
Kozumi Kenzaburo
コヅミ ケンザブロウ | Kozumi Kenzaburo
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Civil law
Research keywords (1):
Papers (38):
A lawsuit for common rights in Sugashima District, Toba City. Journal of Forest Commons. 2022. 42. 67-80
Zur Parteifaehigkeit des Vereins ohne juristische Persoenlichkeit im Zivilprozess. HOGAKUSHINPO. 2021. 127. 3=4. 171-200
KOZUMI Kenzaburo. Zum Begriff des Gesamteigentums in der Rechtsprechung. Chuo Law Journal. 2019. 15. 4. 21-42
KOZUMI Kenzaburo. Case Study. 民商法雑誌. 2019. 154. 6. 1251-1264
KOZUMI Kenzaburo. Zum Begriff des Gesamteigentums in der Rechtsprechung. Chuo Law Journal. 2018. 15. 3. 35-55
MISC (73):
建築請負契約の下請人の報酬債権のための留置権の効力. 速報判例解説. 2024. 34. 95-98
Rechtsnatur des Ausgleichanspruchs unter Mitbuergen (Legal Nature of Contribution Rights between Joint Guarantors). Chuo Law Journal. 2017. 14. 1. 141-156
古積 健三郎. 法学者の本棚 川島武宜 科学としての法律学 : 法解釈論の正しさとは. 法学セミナー. 2015. 60. 9. 巻頭1p
判例講座 逆引き民法 24の判旨(第22回)留置権の成立要件としての牽連性[最高裁昭和43.11.21判決]. 法学教室. 2015. 412. 143-150
抵当権の効力の及ぶ範囲(1)-従物. 民法判例百選I総則・物権【第7版】. 2015. 166-167
Books (29):
弘文堂 2023
岩波書店 2023
Exercise Civil Law
第一法規 2021
Dingliches Sicherungsrecht
Education (1):
- 1990 - 1993 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Law 民刑事法専攻
Professional career (2):
- Master of Laws (Kyoto University)
- Doctor of Laws (Chuo University)
Work history (11):
- 2004/04 - 2008/03 Chuo Universty, Faculty of Laws, Professor
- 2004/04 - Chuo Law School, Professor
- 2004/04 - 2008/03 Chuo Law School, Professor
- 2002/04 - 2004/03 Chuo University, Faculty of Laws, Associate Professor
- 2001/04 - 2002/03 中央大学法学部非常勤講師
- 1996/04 - 2002/03 Tsukuba University, Associate Professor
- 1997/04 - 1998/03 中央大学法学部非常勤講師
- 1996/04 - 1997/03 滋賀大学経済学部非常勤講師
- 1994/04 - 1996/03 京都府立大学文学部非常勤講師
- 1994/04 - 1996/03 Shiga University, Faculty of Economics, Lecturer
- 1993/04 - 1994/03 Shiga University, Faculty of Economics, Assistant
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Association Membership(s) (2):
Japan Association of Private Law
, Japan Association of the Law of Finance
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