J-GLOBAL ID:200901052884756071
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Kodera Yuuji
コデラ ユウジ | Kodera Yuuji
Affiliation and department:
Utsunomiya University
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Detailed information
Research field (1):
Biological resource conservation
Research keywords (2):
, Wildlife conservation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2018 - 2021 「スマート捕獲・スマートジビエ技術の確立」
2016 - 2019 「ICTを用いた総合的技術による、農と林が連携した持続的獣害対策体系の確立」
2016 - 2019 「イノシシ、ニホンジカ等の適正かつ効率的な捕獲個体の処理および完全活用システムの開発」
Conservation of Japanese wild boar in mountainous area in Iwami district,Shimane prefecture, Western Japan.
Papers (7):
Yoshiyuki Tomino, Masako Andoh, Yuta Horiuchi, Jiye Shin, Ryunosuke Ai, Takaki Nakamura, Mizuki Toda, Kenzo Yonemitsu, Ai Takano, Hiroshi Shimoda, et al. Surveillance of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Campylobacter spp. in wild Japanese deer (Cervus nippon) and boar (Sus scrofa). The Journal of veterinary medical science. 2020. 82. 9. 1287-1294
Hiroshi Shimoda, Daisuke Hayasaka, Kentaro Yoshii, Mayumi Yokoyama, Kazuo Suzuki, Yuuji Kodera, Tsutomu Takeda, Junko Mizuno, Keita Noguchi, Kenzo Yonemitsu, et al. Detection of a novel tick-borne flavivirus and its serological surveillance. Ticks and tick-borne diseases. 2019. 10. 4. 742-748
Tsutomu Takeda, Hiromi Fujita, Masumi Iwasaki, Moe Kasai, Nanako Tatori, Tomohiko Endo, Yuuji Kodera, Naoto Yamabata. Positive rates of anti-acari-borne disease antibodies of rural inhabitants in Japan. The Journal of veterinary medical science. 2019. 81. 5. 758-763
Enari Hiroto, Koike Shinsuke, Enari Haruka S, Seki Yoshikazu, Okuda Kei, Kodera Yuuji. Early-stage ecological influences of population recovery of large mammals on dung beetle assemblages in heavy snow areas. ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. 2018. 92. 7-15
Nishizawa T, Sugimoto Y, Takeda T, Kodera Y, Hatano Y, Takahashi M, Okamoto H. Identification and full-genome characterization of novel circoviruses in masked palm civets (Paguma larvata). Virus research. 2018. 258. 50-54
MISC (103):
竹田(野澤)努, Yan Meifang, 小寺祐二, 青山真人, 西尾孝佳, 小笠原勝. A questionnaire survey to municipal governments in Tochigi Prefecture on weed and wildlife damages. 雑草研究. 2020. 65. 4
上田剛平, 高橋満彦, 佐々木智恵, 伊原禎雄, 小寺祐二, 大槻晃太. Effects of radioactive contamination by Fukushima nuclear accident on hunting and wildlife management, with emphasis on wild boar management. 野生生物と社会. 2018. 6. 1. 1-11-1
平井英明, 牛久保拓, 清野穂香, 寺田森弥, 高橋行継, 小寺祐二. イノシシ食肉利用残渣を利用した水稲育苗法の開発(その3). 日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集. 2018. 64. 133
小寺 祐二, 竹田 努. 人か技術か?鳥獣被害対策の主役 捕獲作業における感染症リスクについて. 哺乳類科学. 2018. 58. 1. 109-110
Ueda Gouhei, Takahashi Mitsuhiko A, Sasaki Chie, Ihara Sadao, Kodera Yuuji, Otsuki Kota. Effects of radioactive contamination by Fukushima nuclear accident on hunting and wildlife management, with emphasis on wild boar management. Wildlife and Human Society. 2018. 6. 1. 1-11
Books (4):
野生動物管理のためのフィールド調査法 : 哺乳類の痕跡判定からデータ解析まで
京都大学学術出版会 2015 ISBN:9784876983179
イノシシを獲 (と) る : ワナのかけ方から肉の販売まで
農山漁村文化協会 2011 ISBN:9784540092565
世界思想社 2010 ISBN:9784790714712
暮らしを守る獣害対策マニュアル : 地域で取り組むポイント : 鳥獣害対策支援テキスト
農山漁村文化協会 2009 ISBN:9784540083228
Education (2):
- 2001 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- 1996 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
Professional career (1):
Awards (1):
2006/11 - 野生生物保護学会 奨励賞 イノシシの基礎生態と保護管理に関する研究
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 野生生物保護学会
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