Age-related changes in ConA-induced cytokine productions by splenocytes from senescence accelerated mice SAMP8
SAM model of Senescence Elsevier Science 1995
南山堂 1992
Education (2):
- 1973 東京教育大学大学院 理学研究科 化学
- 1971 東京教育大学 理学部 化学科
Professional career (2):
(BLANK) (Showa University)
Work history (8):
1990 - 1998 Showa University Toxicology, School of Pharmacy
1990 - 1998 Showa University, Associate Professer
1988 - 1989 Michigan Cancer Foundation 客員研究員
1988 - 1989 Michigan Cancer Foundation, Researcher
1977 - 1982 ,1983-1990 昭和大学薬学部毒物学教室 助手
1977 - 1982 ,1983-1990 Showa University, Research Assistant