Research theme for competitive and other funds (21):
2022 - 2026 聴解コーパスの構築による日本語学習者の聴解困難点と推測技術の実証的研究
2020 - 2023 外国人住民への地域的包括支援のための基礎的研究
2017 - 2021 Study of Listening Comprehension of Japanese Learners Aiming to Develop a Japanese Dictionary for Listening
2011 - 2015 Research for the formulation of basic grounds for the construction of a general database for the development of Japanese language learners' dictionaries
2009 - 2014 Japanese language online materials for communication: preparation and trial
2012 - 2014 音声認識技術を取り入れた日本語発音自学システムの作成と試用
2009 - 2011 The development of software to self-study Japanese prosody
2007 - 2008 Research on Development of Teaching Manual of Japanese Prosody
2005 - 2008 Fundamental study for making of Japanese-language teaching materials based on pedagogical Japanese grammar
2005 - 2007 Development of the textbook for the pronunciation of Japanese and its teacher's manual
2001 - 2002 The Development of Teaching Materials of Accent Training for Japanese Language Learners
2000 - 2000 言語学・心理学・教育学に基づく日本語CALLコースウェアの研究
1997 - 1998 効果的な韻律指導のための教授項目に関する研究
1997 - 1998 A Research on the Attitude Changes of the Teacher-trainees and the Learners in Japanese Language Teaching Practice
1995 - 1996 On the Cognitive/Affective Modification of Japanese Language Learners and Teacher Trainees
1995 - 1996 A Research on a Communicative Japanese CALL System
1995 - 1995 自然な日本語音声の指導のための「音節」の扱いに関する研究
1994 - 1995 The Development of the "IPA Tutorial" running on the personal computer for the Japanese teachers
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Papers (49):
松崎寛. コミュニケーションと発音習得の諸問題. 語文. 2023. 175. 178-181
文, 昶允, Juan, Pablo RODRIGUEZ-GOMEZ, 宋, 長燕, 松崎, 寛. The Assessment of Pronunciation and Corrective Feedback Behaviors of Japanese Teachers: A Test Case for Establishing Teacher Training Standards. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan. 2023. 26. 3. 1-14
入山, 美保, 井上, 里鶴, 澤田, 浩子, 松崎, 寛. Training of University Students to Provide Online Japanese Language Instructional Support to Schoolchildren. Koide Memorial Meeting Reports of Japanese Language Teaching. 2022. 30. 57-72
篠原亜紀, 松崎寛. The "Favorability" of Speech in Communication -An Analysis of Comments by Text-mining-. Studies in Japanese Language and Japanese Language Teaching. 2021. 12. 261-276
MATSUZAKI Hiroshi, KAWANO Toshiyuki. Effect of teaching Japanese compound accent rules to Korean Japanese Teachers. Journal of Japanese language education methods. 2004. 11. 2. 6-7
Japanese Language Education Methods
, Japanese Association of Second Language Acquisition
, 2012年日本語教育国際研究大会