Research field (1):
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research keywords (2):
, Nuclear Physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
2005 - 2007 不安定核による(α,n)天体核反応の研究
2001 - 2003 ストレンジネスを含む原子核の研究
2001 - 2003 ダブルラムダハイパー核の探索実験
1997 - 1998 二重ストレンジネスをもつ原子核の研究
1996 - 1998 S=-2を持つ原子核の研究
1993 - 1996 極限状況下の原子核の構造と相互作用
1994 - Study of Nuclear Structure and Reaction with Radioactive Nuclei
1991 - KAON計画における原子核・素粒子物理に関する調査
1985 - Study of Nuclear Physics with Strangeness
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Papers (152):
S. K. Das, T. Fukuda, Y. Mizoi, H. Ishiyama, H. Miyatake, Y. X. Watanabe, Y. Hirayama, S. C. Jeong, H. Ikezoe, M. Matsuda, et al. New measurement of the Li-8(alpha,n)B-11 reaction in a lower-energy region below the Coulomb barrier. PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2017. 95. 5
Y. Mizoi, T. Fukuda. Measurement of the Li-8(alpha, n)B-11 reaction and astrophysical implications (vol 62, 065801, 2000). PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2015. 91. 4