J-GLOBAL ID:200901053942192856
Update date: Sep. 23, 2024
Uzaki Kiyotaka
ウザキ キヨタカ | Uzaki Kiyotaka
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Other affiliations (1):
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
Public law
, Social law
, Money and finance
Research keywords (16):
, ジグナリングモデル
, 配当政策
, 新規株式公開(IPOs)
, 研究開発費(R&D)
, TobinのQ
, イノベーション
, 財務ハイラロキ-
, Agency model
, 株式の評価
, M-M理論
, Tax base model
, エージェンシー仮説
, アンダープライシング
, ベンチャー企業
, 未公開株式
Research theme for competitive and other funds (15):
- 2017 - 2020 The Characteristics of IPOs and Corporation in Islamic Countries of ASEAN
- 2009 - 2012 Cross Border M&A
- 2006 - 2008 The Modeling of the Pricing Unlisted Stocks
- 1999 - ベンチャー企業の資金調達方法
- 1999 - Veture Business Financing
- 1990 - 1995 運転資本に関する研究
- 1990 - 1994 Study on Working Capital
- 1989 - 1994 配当政策に関する研究
- 1989 - 1994 Study on Dividend Policy
- 1993 - 1993 財務ハイラロキ-(Financing Hierarchy)に関する研究
- 1988 - 1993 財務ヒエラルキーに関する研究
- 1988 - 1993 Study on Financial Hierarchy
- 新規株式公開の評価に関する研究
- The Pricing of IPO's
Show all
Papers (3):
UZAKI Kiyotaka with, Nashirah Abu Backar. The Impact of Underwriter Reputation and Risk Factors on the Degree of Initial Public Offering Underpricing: Evidence from Shariah-Compliant Companies. IAFOR Journal of Business and Management. 2014. 1. 1. 15-30
UZAKI Kiyotaka with, Nashirah Abu Backar. Initial Public Offering(IPO) Underpricing; Evidence from Shariah-Compliant Companies Listed on the Malaysian Stock Exchange(MSE). International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management. 2013. 14. 32-48
UZAKI Kiyotaka. Auditor Reputation and Initial Public Offerings; Evidence from Japan. 2011. 10. 45-57
MISC (19):
The relationship between ownership structure and corporate value in IPO. Oita University economic review. 2006. 58. 4. 61-73
Corporate Governance : The Case of Associant Technology Inc. Oita University economic review. 2005. 57. 4. 41-68
Uzaki Kiyotaka. Corporate Governance in Entrepreneurial Ventures. Oita University economic review. 2005. 第56巻第5号. 5. 53-65
Kiyotaka Uzaki. The Valuation of Unlisted Stocks. Oita University economic review. 2004. 56(3), 46-70. 3. 46-70
The Valuation of Unlisted Stocks. Oita University Economic Review. 2004. 56(3), 46-70
Books (16):
Text Modern Corporate Management version5
2024 ISBN:9784495372453
Entrepreneurship and Multinationals Global Business and the Making of Modern World
2018 ISBN:9784502246210
同文館出版 2016
学友社 2015
テキスト 現代企業論(第4版)
同文館出版 2015
Lectures and oral presentations (6):
Healthcare Financial Analysis
(Kyushu Division of the Japan Management Diagnosis Association 2024)
The Effects of Innovation on Corporate Value in IPOs
(the Reading Workshop 2015)
The Determinant Factors of Initial Public Offering for Shariah-Compliant Companies and Non Shariah-Compliant Companies Listed on the Malaysian Stock Exchange
(2014 Biennial Conference on Sustainable Business, Energy and Development in Asia (COSA 2014) 2014)
Shariah Compliant vs Non Shariah Compliant Companies in IPOs:Emperical Analysis in Malaysian Stock Markets
(2014 The Small and medium-sized Companies and Venture Business Consortium of Japan Academic Division 2014)
Initial Public Offerings (IPOs): Comparison Between Shariah-Compliant Companies and Conventional Companies listed at Malaysian Stock Exchange (MSE)
(International Symposium on Business and Management, 2013)
Professional career (3):
- M. of Business Administnation (The University of Kitakyushu)
- M. of Economics (Yamaguchi University)
- Ph.D. (Meiji University)
Work history (6):
Committee career (7):
Awards (4):
- 2023/04 - Oita University Professor Emeritus
- 2022/07 - Beppu City Sports Achievement Award
- 2022/05 - Japan Small and Medium Enterprise and Venture Business Consortium Research Encouragement Award
- 2016/07 - Japan Sports Agency Letter of Encouragement
Association Membership(s) (9):
, 日本中小企業・ベンチャービジネスコンソーシアム
, 日本ベンチャー学会
, 日本証券経済学会
, アメリカ ファイナンス学会
, 西日本理論経済学会
, 九州経済学会
, 日本経営財務研究学会
, 日本経営学会
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