J-GLOBAL ID:200901054398855141
Update date: Aug. 31, 2022
Kakazu Tomoko
カカズ トモコ | Kakazu Tomoko
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Social psychology
Research keywords (4):
, 発達心理学
, Educational Psychology
, Development Psychology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 子育て支援・保育者養成
- 学習動機づけと時間的展望に関する研究
- 幼児・児童のストレスおよび対処行動の発達
- Children's learning motivation and Time perspective
- Children's stress and coping
MISC (45):
The effect of home environment on reading in the development of theory of mind. Educational and Clinical Center for Children with Disabilities Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus. 2004. No.6, 87-97
The Prelimirary Study of Home Environment on Reading in Early Childhood. Educational and Clinical Center for Children with Disabilities. 2003. 5, 1-11
The need for parent support in farent center in a kindergarten of OKINAWA. Educational and Clinical Center for Children with Disabilities. 2003. 5. 13-21
女子大学生の家庭観と性差感. 琉球大学教育学部教育実践総合センター紀要. 2003. 10, 47-55
児童が認知した親の態度が児童の学習統制感におよぼす影響. 琉球大学教育学部紀要. 2003. 63, 167-179
Books (8):
北小路書房 2001
北大路書房(訳本) 1996
Peer rejection in childhood
8章1節 社会的問題解決能力
子どもの発達を知る心理学,北大路書房 1994
8章社会化の過程 乳幼児発達心理学
福村出版 1993
Education (4):
- - 1977 Hiroshima University
- - 1977 Hiroshima University Graduate School, Division of Education
- - 1975 University of the Ryukyus Faculty of Education
- - 1975 University of the Ryukyus Faculty of Education
Professional career (1):
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 沖縄心理学会
, 日本保育学会
, 日本発達心理学会
, 日本教育心理学会
, 日本心理学会
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