J-GLOBAL ID:200901055309440843
Update date: Sep. 22, 2022
Okamura Satoshi
オカムラ サトシ | Okamura Satoshi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Solid earth science
Research keywords (2):
, Petrology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 1990 - 2005 北海道およびロシア極東地域の火成岩類の岩石学的研究
- 1990 - 2005 Petrological study of the igneous rocks from Hokkaido and Far East region of Russia.
MISC (54):
Cenozoic magmatism of the Russian Far East ーisotopic and geochemical constraints on the origin of the Sea of Japanー. Proceedings and Abstracts from JKOD2006-Niigata. 2007. 62-64
YAHATA Masahiro, INABA Mitsuru, OKAMURA Satoshi. The role of hydrothermal alteration in the formation of gas reservoir in the Katagai gas field, Niigata, Japan. J. JAPANESE. ASSOC. PETROL. TECHNOL. 2007. 72. 3. 290-303
Sagayama Tsumoru, Igarashi Yaeko, Kondo Tsutomu, Kamada Kotaro, Yoshida Mitsuo, Chitoku Tsutomu, Tonosaki Tokuji, Kudo Chiharu, Okamura Satoshi, Kato Makoto. Quaternary stratigraphy of the 150 m core in the central part of Sapporo, Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan. 2007. 113. 8. 391-405
鮮新世溶岩台地縁辺の地すべり地形:手稲山山体崩壊と天狗岳地すべり. 地質学雑誌. 2007. 113. 19-28
忍路・積丹半島の水底火山活動と岩盤崩壊. 地質学雑誌. 2007. 113. 93-102
Books (4):
Cenozoic Volcanism of Far East Russia
Deep-Seatedmagmatision, Magmatic Sources and the Problem of Plume. Proceeding of International Workshop. Vladivostok. 2002
Cenozoic Volcanism of Far East Russia
Deep-Seatedmagmatision, Magmatic Sources and the Problem of Plume. Proceeding of International Workshop. Vladivostok. 2002
平凡社 1996
新版地学教育講座4巻 岩石と地下資源 (共著)
東海大学出版会 1995
Works (4):
2000 -
Petrological study of basements from southern Central Hokkaido
2000 -
1999 -
Petrological study of Green Tuff from Hokkaido
1999 -
Professional career (2):
- (BLANK) (Hokkaido University)
- 理学博士
Awards (2):
- 1996 - 日本地質学会研究奨励賞(北海道東部,新第三紀火山岩類の岩石学的性質の 変遷)
- 1993 - 日本地質学会小藤賞(北海道苫小牧市東部における坑井から採取された 白亜紀花崗岩類)
Association Membership(s) (5):
American Geophysical Union
, 日本地球化学会
, 日本火山学会
, 日本岩石鉱物鉱床学会
, 日本地質学会
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