Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2002 - 病原菌・宿主細胞の相互作用をターゲットとしたグラム陰性菌の感染機構の解明
MISC (12):
WL Picking, H Nishioka, PD Hearn, MA Baxter, AT Harrington, A Blocker, WD Picking. IpaD of Shigella flexneri is independently required for regulation of Ipa protein secretion and efficient insertion of IpaB and IpaC into host membranes. INFECTION AND IMMUNITY. 2005. 73. 3. 1432-1440
WL Picking, H Nishioka, PD Hearn, MA Baxter, AT Harrington, A Blocker, WD Picking. IpaD of Shigella flexneri is independently required for regulation of Ipa protein secretion and efficient insertion of IpaB and IpaC into host membranes. INFECTION AND IMMUNITY. 2005. 73. 3. 1432-1440