J-GLOBAL ID:200901056080591911
Update date: Jan. 08, 2022
Chiba Kazuhiro
Chiba Kazuhiro
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Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2004 - 集団分割による協調の安定
2004 - The Stability of Cooperation by Dividing a Group
1996 - 進化ゲーム理論による多主体複雑系の解析
1996 - Analyzing Poly-agent Systems by Evolutionary Game Theory
1995 - 繰り返し連続化囚人のジレンマゲームによるマルチエージェント系の解析
1995 - Analyzing Multi-agent Systems by Iterated Continuous Prisoner's Dilemma Game
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MISC (11):
Dividing a Group Causes Stability to Cooperation Capable of Taking Sanctions. Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2005. 2005. 1627-1632
集団分割による協調の安定. 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(第19回). 2005. 3E3-04
Dividing a Group Causes Stability to Cooperation Capable of Taking Sanctions. Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2005. 2005. 1627-1632
エージェント侵略の過程と中間的な手をとる戦略の有利性について(共著). 人工知能学会誌. 1999. 14. 4. 657-666
On a Process of Agent Invasion and Profitability of Strategies Taking Intermediate Actions 'jointly worked'. Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Interlligence. 1999. 14. 4. 657-666
Lectures and oral presentations (5):
(人工知能学会全国大会(第19回) 2005)
Dividing a Group Causes Stability to Cooperation Capable of Taking Sanctions
(SICE Annual Conference 2005 2005)
Iterated Continuous Prisoner's Dilemma Game and Its Usefulness in Analyzing Multi-agent Systems
(IEEE SMC '98 Conference 1998)
(計測自動制御学会システム/情報合同シンポジウム 1997)
(人工知能学会研究会 SIG-J-9701 1997)
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 計測自動制御学会
, 人工知能学会
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