J-GLOBAL ID:200901057261576082
Update date: Dec. 26, 2024
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (6):
Measures against misinformation and disinformation
, Fact Checking
, Media Ethics
, Digital Storytelling
, Journalism
, Politics and Media
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
MISC (26):
OKUMURA Nobuyuki. Role and function of BPO (Broadcasting Ethics & Program Improvement Organization) : government's supervision and control and freedom of speech in Japanese broadcast. Ritsumeikan review of industrial society. 2010. 45. 4. 1-30
『ツイッター議員 必要あればつぶやいていい』(私の視点×4). 『朝日新聞』(2010年4月14日). 2010
奥村 信幸. 『PEJ編「2010年 米ニュースメディアの現状」報告から 激変する「ニュースの生態系」 もう嘆いてばかりはいられない』. 『Journalism』(朝日新聞社). 2010. 241. 40-50
奥村 信幸. 新聞記者のための動画撮影講座 第1回<企画から撮影>新聞記事をウェブ・ニュース映像にする. 『Journalism』(朝日新聞社). 2010. 245. 70-79
新聞記者のための動画撮影講座 第2回<演出から制作>映像に音声を加えてビデオ・パッケージにする. 『Journalism』(朝日新聞社). 2010. 246. 74-84
Lectures and oral presentations (18):
(日本マスコミュニケーション学会メディア倫理・法制研究部会/国際大学GLOCOM共催勉強会 2010)
(「ザ・コーブ」をめぐるシンポジウム 2010)
Japan's Media Fiefdom : Kisha Clubs and Unwritten Rules in the Japaness Press
(Lecture at the School of Media and PublicAffairs(SMPA),The George Washington University, Washington D.C., U.S.A. 2009)
"Secret Rules of Japanese Kisha Club System"
(Lecture at Mansfield Fellow Alumni Meeting,Mansfield Foundation, Washington D.C., U.S.A. 2009)
(ICPC(情報通信政策研究会議)2009年度研究会 2009)
Works (4):
2011 -
2011 -
2010 -
2006 -
Education (5):
- 2002 - 2003 Johns Hopkins University SAIS(The Paul Nitze School of School of Advanced International Studies) Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies
- - 1989 Sophia University Graduate School of Foreign Studies
- - 1989 Sophia University Graduate School, Division of Foreign Language Division of International Relatons
- - 1987 International Christian University College of Liberal Arts Division of Social Sciences
- - 1987 International Christian University College of Liberal Arts Division of Social Science
Professional career (1):
Work history (8):
- 2014/04 - 現在 Musashi University Faculty of Sociology Department of Socio-Media Studies Professor
- 2018/09 - 2019/08 The George Washington University The Elliott School of International Affairs, The Sigur Center for Asian Studies Fulbright Visiting Scholar
- 2009/09 - 2016/03 Waseda University Graduate School of Political Science, Journalism Course Part-time Lecturer
- 2012/04 - 2013/03 Ritsumeikan University College of Social Sciences Department of media studuies Professor
- 2008/09 - 2009/03 The George Washington University The Elliott School of International Affairs, The Sigur Center for Asian Studies Visiting Scholar
- 1989 - 2005 :株式会社テレビ朝日(報道局記者・ディレクター・編成局・営業局)
- 1989 - 2005 :News Producer / Reporter at TV Asahi Corporation, Tokyo
- Ritsumeikan University College of Social Sciences, Department of Social Sciences, College of Social Sciences Department of Social Sciences Associate Professor
Show all
Committee career (3):
- 2023/11 - 2024/09 デジタル空間における情報流通の健全性確保の在り方に関する検討会(総務省) 委員
- 2012/04 - 2024/09 The Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association Visiting Scholar
- 2011/04 - 2013/03 Asahi Television Broadcasting Corporation Broadcasting Programs Examination Committee
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本マス・コミュニケーション学会
, 情報通信学会
, コンテンツ学会
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