The Activities for Community Design covered with Green and Factors for Promoting those. Reprinted from Papers on Environment Information Science No. 14 Nov. 2000. 85-90
Sustainable NPO Activities After The Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake With The Citizens Participation. International Federation of Landscape Architecture Eastern Regional Conference Proceeding Book. 2000. 266-272
Books (5):
(株)学芸出版社 2002
A study of proffesion of landscape Architecture in medieval Japan
Awaji Landscape planning and Horticulture Academy 2002
Community Design with Green
Gakugei Publishing Co. Lmtd 2002
(株)鹿島出版会 1978
Japanese Town Houses For "Suki"
Kashima Publishing Co. Lmtd 1978
- 1986 Kyoto University Forestry Landscape Architecture
- 1977 京都大学農学研究科 修士課程 林学研究科 造園学
- 1977 Kyoto University Forestry Landscape Architecture
Professional career (2):
P.H.D (Kyoto University)
修士 (京都大学)
Committee career (2):
1997 - 2005 日本造園学会 校閲委員、編集委員
Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture Member of Thesises Chekking comitee
Awards (2):
2002 - (社)日本造園学会賞 研究論文部門
2002 - Award from institute of Landscape Architecture for the thesis
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 農村計画学会
, 日本都市計画学会
, 日本造園学会
, Center of Environmental Information Science
, The Association of Rural Planning
, Japanese Institute of City Planning
, Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture