J-GLOBAL ID:200901058153990375
Update date: Aug. 11, 2022
Ohta Takako
オオタ タカコ | Ohta Takako
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Education - general
Research keywords (2):
, History of Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 植民地下における日本の高等女学校の研究-韓国を中心に-
- 戦前のセツルメント活動における教育的意義の研究
- A Study on Japanese Girls' High School during the Japanese Colonization of Korea
- A Study on Educational meaning in the Settlement Movement before World War II.
MISC (38):
多文化間コミュニケーションのための「日本語」の教育-ディスカッションプログラムから. 岐阜大学留学生センター紀要. 2004. 2003年号,pp 3-12
日本語話者に対する非日本語母語話者との日本語コミュニケーション教育の重要性. 岐阜大学教育学部研究報告=人文科学=. 2004. 第52巻 2号 pp 249-264
"Japanese" Language Education for multicultural Communication -Suggestions based on the discussion program-. Bulletin of the International Student Center Gifu University. 2004. 2003, pp 3-12
How should Japanese native speakers talk with non-native in Japanese. Annual Report of the Faculty of Education, Gifu University (Humanities and Social Science). 2004. Vol. 52, No. 2, pp 249-264
OHTA Takako. The Sookmyung Girl's High School during the Japanese Colonization of Korea. 2003. 2002. 2002. 23-43
Books (3):
General View of Education in Japan(共著)(改訂版)
"Understanding Japan-Japanese Education", International Society for Educational Information, Inc. , 1999
叢書≪生む・育てる・考える≫5『社会規範-タブーと褒賞』,藤原書店 1995
『子どもを伸ばす形成的評価』,日本標準 1984
Works (2):
1995 -
Research on Girls' High School
1995 -
Education (4):
- - 1996 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Social Sciences
- - 1996 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School, Division of Sociology
- - 1976 Rikkyo University College of Arts
- - 1976 Rikkyo University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (2):
- (BLANK) (Ochanomizu University)
- (BLANK) (Wheaton Graducate School (U.S.A))
Work history (2):
- 1984 - 1987 Ueno Gakuen University Junior College Department
- 1984 - 1987 Research Associate, Ueno Gakuen College
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 教育目標・評価学会
, 日本教育学会
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