J-GLOBAL ID:200901058376803348
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Nomura Ryoki
ノムラ リョウキ | Nomura Ryoki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Professor,Director of Educational Affairs
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
Electric/electronic material engineering
, Electronic devices and equipment
, Functional solid-state chemistry
Research keywords (8):
, 化合物半導体前駆体開発
, 有機金属錯体
, 超分子
, Optoelectronics
, Precursors for compounds semiconductor
, Organometallics
, Supra-molecules
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 1991 - 2006 Non-thermochemical Growth of Sulfide Semiconductor Thin Layers
- 1988 - 2006 非熱化学的硫化物薄膜形成法
- 1998 - 有機金属錯体の自己組織化
- 1998 - Self-assembly of Organometallics
- 1988 - 三元化合物半導体向けシングルソースの開発
- 1983 - Synthesis of Organometallics for Compound Semiconductor Materials
- 1978 - 有機金属化合物の利用
- 1978 - Utilization of Organometallics
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MISC (59):
S Takemoto, D Shimadzu, K Kamikawa, H Matsuzaka, R Nomura. Synthesis and reactivity of a dithiolate-bridged ruthenium-rhodium heterobimetallic dihydride complex. ORGANOMETALLICS. 2006. 25. 4. 982-988
R. Nomura, R. Hatasaka, O. Shimomura. Modification of hydrogen-terminated Si (111) surface with transition metal dithiocarbamate complexes. Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Jpn. 2006. 31. 4. 1049
Ryôki Nomura, Koji Ishihara, Osamu Shimomura. Inclusion of 1,4-dioxane within the microchannels derived from metal dithiocarbamate complexes. Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Jpn. 2006. 31. 4. 1057
R. Nomura, R. Hatasaka, O. Shimomura. Modification of hydrogen-terminated Si (111) surface with transition metal dithiocarbamate complexes. Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Jpn. 2006. 31. 4. 1049
O Shimomura, BS Lee, S Meth, H Suzuki, S Mahajan, R Nomura, KD Janda. Synthesis and application of polytetrahydrofuran-grafted polystyrene (PS-PTHF) resin supports for organic synthesis. TETRAHEDRON. 2005. 61. 51. 12160-12167
Patents (4):
Synthesis of Cyclic carbonates from Carbon Dioxide
Precursor molecules for highly conducting and transparent thin films
Books (7):
新しい工業化学 環境との調和をめざして
化学同人 2004 ISBN:4759809554
New Industrial Chemistry
Kagaku Dojin 2004
丸善 2003 ISBN:9784621071816
Elementary Chemistry
Maruzen 2003
有機工業化学 第2版
丸善 1999 ISBN:9784621046579
Lectures and oral presentations (2):
Polystyrene/SEBS Blends with Compositional Gradients
(POLYCHAR-14 world Forum on Advanced Materials 2006)
Micro-channels of Complex Assemblies from Nickel(II) Dithiocarbamate Complexes
(37th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry 2006)
Works (6):
2000 - 2004
Bio Venture Project
2000 - 2004
1998 - 1999
Development of novel nano-space materials by soft-energy process
1998 - 1999
1992 -
Education (4):
- - 1982 Osaka University
- - 1982 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 1977 Osaka University School of Engineering
- - 1977 Osaka University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (2):
- Doctor of Engineering (Osaka University)
- Master of Engineering (Osaka University)
Work history (12):
- 1994 - 1998 Osaka Institute of Technology
- 1994 - 1998 Osaka Institute of Technology
- 1998 - - 大阪工業大学 教授
- 1998 - - Osaka Institute of Technology
- 1992 - 1994 Osaka University
- 1992 - 1994 Osaka University(Faculty of Engineering)
- 1982 - 1992 Osaka University
- 1982 - 1992 Osaka University(Faculty of Engineering)
- Professor
- Associate Professor
- Lecturer
- Research Assistant
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Committee career (1):
- 1998 - 2005 日本化学会 近畿支部幹事,代議員
Association Membership(s) (12):
, 日本セラミックス協会
, アメリカ化学会
, 近畿化学協会
, 石油学会
, 日本化学会
, Materials Research Society of Japan
, Japan Ceramic Society
, Kinki Chemical Society
, Japan Petroleum Institute
, The American Chemical Society
, The Chemical Society of Japan
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