J-GLOBAL ID:200901058673686539
Update date: Sep. 19, 2022
Mae Masahiro
マエ マサヒロ | Mae Masahiro
Affiliation and department:
Tokyo Women's Medical University Faculty of Medicine
About Tokyo Women's Medical University Faculty of Medicine
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Detailed information
Research field (2):
Respiratory surgery
, Cardiovascular surgery
Research keywords (2):
, Thoracic Surgery
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
Analysis of lung cancer patient with heart problem
MISC (17):
MAE Masahiro, OHNUKI Takamasa, SATOH Kazuhiro, SASANO Hisako, ISHIKURA Toshihide, SHIOIRI Masanobu, MURASUGI Masahide, NITTA Sumio. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for acute empyema. The Journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery. 1998. 12. 2. 172-176
Masahiro Mae, Takamasa Ohnuki, Kazuhiro Satoh, Hisako Sasano, Toshihide Ishikura, Masanobu Shioiri, Masahide Murasugi, Sumio Nitta. Video-assisted thoracoscopic sursery for acute empyeme. The Journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery. 1998. 12. 2. 172-176
前 昌宏, 大貫 恭正, 田中 俊憲, 新田 澄郎, 小林 槙雄. 下垂体前葉、副腎摘出後発見された異所性ACTH産生肺カルチノイドの1治験例. 肺癌. 1995. 35. 7. 949-953
Masahiro Mae, Takamasa Onuki, Toshinori Tanaka, Sumio Nitta, Makio Kobayshi, Toshihiro Suda. A Case of Ectopic ACTH Producing Pulmonary Carcinoid Discovered after Removal of the Anterior Pituitary Lobe and Adrenal Gland. Haigan. 1995. 35. 7. 949-953
肺癌外科療法における循環器系合併症の現況と対策に関する臨床的検討. 東京女子医科大学雑誌. 1994. 64. 12. 1049-1056
Books (1):
胸部変形 1987
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 救急医療学会
, ハイパーサーシア学会
, 癌学会
, 肺癌学会
, 呼吸器外科学会
, 外科学会
, 胸部外科学会
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