J-GLOBAL ID:200901058913793648
Update date: Sep. 05, 2022
Shinozaki Hiroya
シノザキ ヒロヤ | Shinozaki Hiroya
Affiliation and department:
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
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YOSHIKADO Hiroshi, HIGASHINO Haruyuki, TAKAI Atsushi, YONEZAWA Yoshitaka, INOUE Kazuya, ISHIKAWA Yuriko, MITA Kazuaki, SHINOZAKI Hiroya, SHINOHARA Naohide, TOKAI Akihiro, et al. Model Analysis of the Hazardous Air Pollutants in Major Industrial Areas. Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment. 2006. 41. 3. 164-174
曝露・リスク評価大気拡散モデル(ADMER)全国版の開発と検証. 環境管理. 2004. 40. 12. 58-66
YOSHIKADO Hiroshi, YONEZAWA Yoshitaka, SHINOZAKI Hiroya. Estimation of annual average NO2 concentrations from seasonal short-term measurements. Journal of Japan Society of Air Pollution. 2003. 38. 3. 172-178
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