J-GLOBAL ID:200901059331515330
Update date: Sep. 17, 2022
Munechika Wakisaka
ワキサカ ムネチカ | Munechika Wakisaka
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Affiliation and department:
St.Marianna University School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine
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Detailed information
Research field (1):
General surgery, pediatric surgery
Research keywords (3):
, 外科
, 小児
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
小児外科 小児がん
Papers (20):
Obayashi J, Furuta S, Kawaguchi T, Kawaguchi K, Ohyama K, Nagae H, Wakisaka M, Kitagawa H. The effect of the broad-spectrum antibiotics for prevention of postoperative intra-abdominal abscess in pediatric acute appendicitis. Pediatric surgery international. 2018. 34. 10. 1121-1125
Juma Obayashi, Hirotaka Koizumi, Masahiro Hoshikawa, Munechika Wakisaka, Atsuko Fujikawa, Hiroaki Kitagawa, Masayuki Takagi. A Case of Congenital Infantile Fibrosarcoma of the Bowel Presenting as a Neonatal Intussusception. PATHOLOGY INTERNATIONAL. 2017. 67. 12. 644-648
Juma Obayashi, Kohei Kawaguchi, Shutaro Manabe, Hideki Nagae, Munechika Wakisaka, Junki Koike, Masayuki Takagi, Hiroaki Kitagawa. Prognostic factors indicating survival with native liver after Kasai procedure for biliary atresia. PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL. 2017. 33. 10. 1047-1052
Juma Obayashi, Kunihide Tanaka, Kei Ohyama, Shutaro Manabe, Hideki Nagae, Hideki Shima, Hideaki Sato, Shigeyuki Furuta, Munechika Wakisaka, Junki Koike, et al. Relation between amount of bile ducts in portal canal and outcomes in biliary atresia. PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL. 2016. 32. 9. 833-838
Juma Obayashi, Kei Ohyama, Shutaro Manabe, Kunihide Tanaka, Hideki Nagae, Hideki Shima, Shigeyuki Furuta, Munechika Wakisaka, Hirokazu Kawase, Hiroaki Kitagawa. Are there reliable indicators predicting post-operative complications in acute appendicitis?. PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL. 2015. 31. 12. 1189-1193
MISC (58):
脇坂 宗親, 古田 繁行, 大山 慧, 北川 博昭. 【新生児外科-最近の話題】 腹壁異常に対する治療の変遷. 小児外科. 2018. 50. 6. 593-597
脇坂 宗親, 大山 慧, 古田 繁行, 北川 博昭. 出生数減少時代の小児外科の担う役割. 日本小児外科学会雑誌. 2018. 54. 3. 646-646
脇坂 宗親, 長江 秀樹, 真鍋 周太郎, 木下 明俊, 北川 博昭. 偶発的に発見された全摘出不能な神経節腫の2例. 日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌. 2017. 54. 4. 367-367
脇坂 宗親, 長江 秀樹, 真鍋 周太郎, 北川 博昭. 腹壁ヘルニア/臍帯ヘルニアの治療戦略と長期予後 腹壁異常の合併奇形による晩期の問題. 日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌. 2017. 53. 2. 443-443
脇坂 宗親, 中田 幸之介, 長江 秀樹, 真鍋 周太郎, 北川 博昭. 重症心身障がい児・者に対する外科診療の現状. 日本小児外科学会雑誌. 2017. 53. 3. 700-700
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