Kojima Koryo, Abe Nobuyuki, Oota Masaru, Kurihara Nobuo. A Study on Development of Excretion Aids Suitable for an Aging Society. The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics. 2008. 44. 44. 220-221
A study and its implications for energy environmental education in the north part of the Tohoku Area in Japan. Journal of energy and environmental education. 2007. 1. 1. 116-121
KUROTAKI Minoru, TAMAKAWA Kunio, HIKAGE Satoru, SAITO Masahiro, DAIKOKU Masatoshi, OHTA Masaru. Cooperation between High School and University on Acquiring Mechanical Engineering and Technology Qualification (6) : Expansion of Activities' Field and Trial of New Activity. 2013. 25. 61. 570-571
SAITO Masahiro, DAIKOKU Masatoshi, OHTA Masaru, KUROTAKI Minoru, TAMAKAWA Kunio, MIKAMI Akira. Cooperation between High School and University on Acquiring Mechanical Engineering and Technology Qualification (5) : The 5 year's Activities of the Aomori Mechanical Engineering and Technology Qualification Acquisition Support Council. 2013. 25. 61. 568-569
A study of parametric oscillation using temperature change
(The Proceedings of Autumn Conference of Tohoku Branch 2017)
Consideration on the three-phase voltage waveforms in three-phase parametoric motor
The relationship between the approximate coefficients of magnetic saturation curve and the trajectory of operating point in a planar parametric transformer
Effect of the Rectangular Slots on the Parametric Oscillation in a Planar Parametric Transformer