J-GLOBAL ID:200901060011010157
Update date: Jan. 21, 2025
Nagaosa Naoto
ナガオサ ナオト | Nagaosa Naoto
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Program Director
Other affiliations (2):
Center for Emergent Matter Science
Group Director
The University of Tokyo
Homepage URL (2):
Research field (1):
Mathematical physics and basic theory
Research keywords (2):
, 場の理論
Research theme for competitive and other funds (34):
- 2024 - 2029 Theory of Chimera Quasiparticles
- 2019 - 2022 Theoretical study on dynamics of topological magnets
- 2018 - 2022 Theory of nonlinear and nonreciprocal responses in noncentrosymmetric electronic systems
- 2014 - 2019 Functional design of spin conversions
- 2012 - 2017 Emergent electromagnetism in magnets
- 2011 - 2016 Heterogeneous electron correlation in the surface-bulk boundary and across thin layered structures
- 2010 - 2015 Novel phenomena in electronic fluids with broken inversion symmetry
- 2012 - 2012 磁性体におけるトポロジカル現象の理論設計学
- 2009 - 2011 Theoretical study on topology and quantum dynamics of correlated electronic systems
- 2007 - 2010 Theory of photon-spin coupled systems
- 2007 - 2010 Spin Current and Optical Properties
- 2005 - 2009 Chemistry and Physics of 3d Transition Metal Oxides Equipped with Deep 3d Levels : Search for New Materials and New Functions
- 2004 - 2008 Design of non-trivial spin texture and anomalous magneto-transport in oxide superstructures
- 2003 - 2007 Systematic investigation of optical and electronic features of spin-charge-photon coupled systems
- 1999 - 2004 遷移金属酸化物における新しい量子現象 -スピン・電荷・軌道結合系-
- 2000 - 2003 スピン・電荷・軌道系の基礎理論
- 1996 - 2002 Phase Control in Spin-Charge-Photon Coupled Systems
- 1998 - 1999 強相関電子系又は非フェルミ流体における不純物の研究
- 1997 - 1999 Carrier doping into the molecular insulators and exploration of novel phases
- 1994 - 1997 分子性物質における新しい電子相:総括班
- 1996 - 1996 分子性物質の電子理論
- 1995 - 1996 Anomalous Metalic State in Strongly Correlated Systems
- 1994 - 1995 Field Theoretical Methods in Condensed Matter Physics
- 1992 - 1994 高温超伝導の科学「超伝導理論」
- 1993 - 1993 分子性物質における新しい電子相
- 1993 - 1993 計算物理学-物性研究における新展開-A02相関の強い量子系
- 1992 - 1992 2次元強相関電子系とスピンカイラリティー
- 1991 - 1992 Magnetism and Superconductivity in Highly Correlated Systems
- 1990 - 1992 励起子のアンダ-ソン局在に伴う光非線形応答の異常
- 1991 - 1991 高温超伝導体における磁束の運動と臨界電流の理論的研究
- 1987 - 1989 化合物半導体におけるアンダーソン局在と巨大非線形光学効果
- 1986 - 1986 混晶半導体超格子のレーザー発振及び非線型光学応答の理論的研究
- 低次元強相関電子系の理論的研究
- Theoretical Study of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems in Low Dimensionality
Show all
Papers (28):
D. Okuyama, M. Bleuel, Q. Ye, J. Krzywon, N. Nagaosa, A. Kikkawa, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, J. D. Reim, Y. Nambu, et al. Moving States of Magnetic Skyrmions in MnSi Under an Alternating Electric Current Flow. Neutron News. 2025
Takuro Sato, Wataru Koshibae, Akiko Kikkawa, Yasujiro Taguchi, Naoto Nagaosa, Yoshinori Tokura, Fumitaka Kagawa. Nonthermal current-induced transition from skyrmion lattice to nontopological magnetic phase in spatially confined MnSi. Physical Review B. 2022. 106. 14
Yoshihiro Okamura, Takahiro Morimoto, Naoki Ogawa, Yoshio Kaneko, Guang-Yu Guo, Masao Nakamura, Masashi Kawasaki, Naoto Nagaosa, Yoshinori Tokura, Youtarou Takahashi. Photovoltaic effect by soft phonon excitation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2022. 119. 14
M. Mogi, Y. Okamura, M. Kawamura, R. Yoshimi, K. Yasuda, A. Tsukazaki, K. S. Takahashi, T. Morimoto, N. Nagaosa, M. Kawasaki, et al. Experimental signature of the parity anomaly in a semi-magnetic topological insulator. Nature Physics. 2022. 18. 4. 390-394
Xiuzhen Yu, Fumitaka Kagawa, Shinichiro Seki, Masashi Kubota, Jan Masell, Fehmi S. Yasin, Kiyomi Nakajima, Masao Nakamura, Masashi Kawasaki, Naoto Nagaosa, et al. Real-space observations of 60-nm skyrmion dynamics in an insulating magnet under low heat flow. Nature Communications. 2021. 12. 1
MISC (131):
Yu X. Z., Tokunaga Y., Kaneko Y., Matsui Y., Nagaosa N., Tokura Y. 21pGB-10 Investigation of skyrmion in multiferroic material. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2011. 66. 0. 474-474
Shindou Ryuichi, Furusaki Akira, Nagaosa Naoto. 23aGE-11 magnetic impurity in the edge of the two-dimensional topological superconductors. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2010. 65. 1. 670-670
Kuga Shun-ichi, Murakami Shuichi, Nagaosa Naoto. 26aWH-3 Theoretical Study on Spin Hall Effect of Excitons. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2008. 63. 1. 685-685
Murakami S., Iso S., Avishai Yshai, Onoda M., Nagaosa N. 23aWH-6 Phase transition between the quantum spin Hall and insulator phases. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2008. 63. 1. 656-656
Kuga Shun-ichi, Onoda Masaru, Nagaosa Naoto. 24aTG-5 Magneticfield-irduced Current and Magneto-electric Effect in 2D Electron Gas with Rashba Spin Orbit Interaction. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2007. 62. 2. 710-710
Books (2):
岩波書店 2002
Professional career (2):
- Master degree of Applied Physics (The University of Tokyo)
- Doctor degree of Science (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (1):
- 2024/08 - 現在 RIKEN Fundamental Quantum Science Program Program Director
Awards (3):
- 2004 - 日産科学賞
- 1998 - 超伝導科学技術賞
- 1995 - 西宮湯川記念賞、日本IBM科学賞
Association Membership(s) (1):
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