J-GLOBAL ID:200901060109849643
Update date: Sep. 17, 2022
Hirose Nobuyoshi
ヒロセ ノブヨシ | Hirose Nobuyoshi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Sports science
MISC (18):
柔道競技の技効力と組み手に関する投技戦術行動についての競技分析的研究. 順天堂大学スポーツ健康科学研究. 2001. 5. 50
Hirose Nobuyoshi, Suganami Morio, Nakamura Mitsuru, Takahashi Susumu. An analysis on tactics of throwing techniques with the effective throwing and KUMITE. Journal of Health and Sports Science Juntendo University. 2001. 5. 50-60
柔道競技の投技戦術行動に関する競技分析的研究-男子柔道選手と女子柔道選手の比較-. 順天堂大学スポーツ健康科学研究. 2000. 4. 76
Hirose Nobuyoshi, Suganami Morio, Nakamura Mitsuru, Takahashi Susumu. The analysis of Judo competition in tactics of throw techniques-Comparisons between the men judo athletes and the women judo athletes-. Journal of Health and Sports Science Juntendo University. 2000. 4. 76-87
砲丸投技術の主観的および客観的特性の関わりに関するコーチ学的研究. 順天堂大学スポーツ健康科学研究. 1998. 2. 44
Education (4):
- - 1986 University of Tsukuba Master's Program in Health and Sport Sciences
- - 1986 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Physical Education
- - 1984 University of Tsukuba
- - 1984 University of Tsukuba Faculty of Physical Education
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (2):
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