Photodynamic therapy of experimentally-induced atheroma in rabbits using mono-L-aspartyl chlorin e6.
Lasers at the dawn of the third millennium(Antypas, G. ed. )Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, 1997
Photodynamic effects on the architecture of elastic fiber networks in atheroma.
Lasers at the dawn of the third millennium(Antypas, G. ed. )Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, 1997
Education (2):
- 1969 Yokohama City University
- 1969 Yokohama City University Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science (Natural Sciences)
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本動脈硬化学会
, 日本レ-ザ-医学会
, 日本電子顕微鏡学会
, International Photodynamic Association