J-GLOBAL ID:200901061304970550   Update date: Feb. 01, 2024

Minami Yasusuke

ミナミ ヤススケ | Minami Yasusuke
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://weblab.seijo.ac.jp/yminami/
Research field  (4): Social psychology ,  Intelligent informatics ,  Education - general ,  Sociology
Research keywords  (34): 認知科学 ,  社会学(含社会福祉関係) ,  パソコン ,  矯正教育 ,  話し合い ,  質的フィールドワーク ,  相互作用分析 ,  インタビュー ,  海外帰国子女 ,  言語運用能力 ,  思い出 ,  「変容」 ,  調査倫理 ,  参与観察 ,  社会系心理学 ,  パネルインタヴュー ,  社会再生産 ,  人生の転機 ,  勤労倫理 ,  社会学 ,  語り ,  セルフヘルプグループ ,  ライフヒストリー ,  調査法 ,  人間形成 ,  変化 ,  変容 ,  テレビトーク番組 ,  通文化的人間形成 ,  社会的アイデンティティ ,  社会化 ,  教育・職業経歴 ,  Cognitive Science ,  Sociology(including Social Welfare)
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (29):
  • 2023 - 2027 A complex and comprehensive micro-sociological study on the significance and practical methodology of employment support by DARC
  • 2020 - 2022 A comparative, integrative approach to asymmetrical interaction: A plan and design of phenomenological sociology of touch
  • 2020 - 2022 A study of work in recovery from drug addiction
  • 2018 - 2021 世界の「見え」の共有技法の研究:視覚障害者と晴眼者の相互行為分析
  • 2017 - 2020 A micro-sociological study of a "recovery" community of drug addicts
Show all
Papers (46):
  • "A Case of Transnational Recovery from Addiction: A Study of Recovery Work from Drug Addictions. Seijo Communication Studies. 2021. 32. 37-51
  • MINAMI Yasusuke, OKADA Mitsuhiro. Narcotics Anonymous members in Japan and the no cross-talk rule: the practice of telling your own story. 115th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. 2020
  • Yasusuke Minami. A Study of Rating a Promotional Video with a Play on Words: A Communication Study of "Understanding" in Interaction. Seijo Communication Studies. 2020. 31. 173-188
  • MINAMI Yasusuke. A Study of SMARPP at a Drug Addiction Rehabilitation House: On "Effects" Observed in Field Research. Seijo Communication Studies. 2019. 30. 13-34
  • MINAMI Yasusuke. A Study of Rating Promotional Videos and the Remembering Problem: Application of Interaction Analysis Utilizing Audio-Visual Equipment. Seijo Communication Studies. 2019. 30. 35-47
MISC (12):
  • Nisisawa Hiro Yuki, Yasusuke Minami, Rui Sakaida, Takanori Sato, Naonori Akiya, Msaki Yoshimura. A Memorandum of Touching in Interaction between Visually Impaired People and Orientation and Mobility Specialists on Street-walking Training Session. 2016. 5. 5. 15-32
  • Hiro Yuki Nisisawa, Yasusuke Minami, Naonori Akiya, Rui Sakaida. Prolongation of "here and now": Talk-in-interaction study of orientation and mobility. Scientific Journal of Tokiwa University Graduate School. 2016. 3. 25-43
  • 南 保輔. メイナード講演「悪いニュースと良いニュース」翻訳. 現象と秩序. 2015. 3. 27-56
  • 南 保輔. 薬池肉林の日々から徒然クリーンへ. ダルクの日々:薬物依存者たちの生活と人生(知玄舎)2013121. 2013. 78-111
  • 南 保輔, 海老田 大五朗. サックス「社会学的記述」翻訳. 成城大学大学院文学研究科『コミュニケーション紀要』. 2013. 24. 77-92
Books (14):
  • 当事者が支援する薬物依存からの回復
    春風社 2018 ISBN:9784861105845
  • Workplace studies: Ethnomethodology of working.
    Harvest Publishing 2017 ISBN:9784863390836
  • Inspiring Goffman: A sociology of interaction order
    Shinyosha 2015
  • ダルクの日々:薬物依存者たちの生活と人生
  • ぼくにだってできるさ-アメリカ低収入地区の社会不平等の再生産(翻訳)
    北大路書房 2007 ISBN:9784762825613
Lectures and oral presentations  (11):
  • A study of recovery work of drug addicts: Interaction analysis of a cognitive-behavioral therapy
    (93rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society 2020)
  • Conversation analysis of groupwork at a drug rehabilitation facility
  • Narcotics Anonymous members in Japan and the no cross-talk rule: the practice of telling your own story
    (115th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting 2020)
  • Establishing reference in interaction between the visually-impaired and the sighted people :
    (International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis 2019)
  • Competition and mutual complementation between two place formulations:
    (Atypical Interaction Conference 2019 2019)
Works (12):
  • 短期交換留学生の「異文化コミュニケーション」(2)
    1998 -
  • "Intercultural communication"of exchange students
    1998 -
  • 補習授業校の参与観察調査
    1996 -
  • 短期交換留学生の「異文化コミュニケーション」:日本の教室におけるアメリカ人高校生の参与観察調査
    1996 -
  • A participant observation study of a Japanese supplementary school in California
    1996 -
Education (5):
  • 1986 - 1993 University of California, San Diego sociology and cognitive science Social psychology
  • - 1984 The University of Tokyo
  • - 1984 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Sociology Social psychology
  • - 1981 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters
  • - 1981 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Literature Department of Social Psychology
Professional career (2):
  • Ph. D. in Cognitive Science and Sociology (University of California, San Diego)
  • Master in Sociology (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (1):
  • 2010 - 現在 Seijo University Faculty of Arts and Literature professor
Association Membership(s) (6):
日本犯罪社会学会 ,  社会言語科学会(The Japanese Association of Sociolingustic Science) ,  エスノメソドロジー・会話分析研究会 ,  アメリカ社会学会(American Sociological Association) ,  日本認知科学会(The Japanese Cognitive Science Society) ,  日本社会学会(The Japan Sociological Society)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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