Research field (6):
Nervous system function
, Environmental load/risk assessment
, Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)
, Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
, Environmental policy and society
, Environmental impact assessment
2001 - 2004 生活環境汚染物質による小児での毒性評価のための免疫指標の開発に関する研究
2000 - 2001 在宅ケアにおける在宅支援通信システムの有効性に関する研究
1998 - 1999 騒音性難聴の数学モデルと聴力損失メーターの開発
1996 - 1996 耳にやさしい音響システムの開発
1995 - 1995 音響学会が示した新たな道路騒音の予測手法に関する検討
1994 - 1994 能動制御防音壁による道路騒音低減の可能性
1993 - 1994 高周波音の内耳に及ぼす影響
1993 - 1993 高速道路特殊区間にも適用可能な道路騒音の予測手法の開発
1991 - 1992 境界要素法による屋外騒音の予測手法に関する研究
1990 - 1991 Study of effects of noise on automic nervous system
1988 - 1989 An investigation of the mechanism of noise induced hearing loss (C_5dip)
Soundscape study
Health ettects of community noise
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Papers (75):
Junta Tagusari, Sho Sato, Toshihito Matsui. Frequency weighting to evaluate the feeling of pressure and/or vibration caused by low-frequency noise: Re-analysis of an existing study. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control. 2021. 146134842110421-146134842110421
Junta Tagusari, Yusei Tanaka, Toshihito Matsui. Calculation of the physiologically developed nighttime noise index from existing noise indices. Noise & Health. 2021. 23. 110. 75-80
Farah Elida Selamat, Junta Tagusari, Toshihito Matsui. Mapping of transportation noise-induced health risks as an alternative tool for risk communication with local residents. Applied Acoustics. 2021. 178. 5. 107987-107987
Junta TAGUSARI, Toshihito MATSUI. Estimation of Health Risk Posed by Road Traffic Noise in Japan Based on the Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region. Nippon Eiseigaku Zasshi (Japanese Journal of Hygiene). 2021. 76. n/a-n/a
Junta Tagusari, Masato Takakusaki, Toshihito Matsui. Development of a new night-time noise index: Integration of neurophysiological theory and epidemiological findings. Noise & Health. 2020. 22. 104. 1-9
Economic valuation of sleep disturbance due to traffic noise: a questionnaire study conducted in Urayasu, Chiba, Japan. 2010. 23-26
Development of a statistical method to judge the necessity of excluding nontarget sounds: investigation based on the noise measurements in communities away from main roads. 2009. 249-252