J-GLOBAL ID:200901062609611123
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Abe Hitoshi
アベ ヒトシ | Abe Hitoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Other affiliations (2):
Research field (4):
Quantum beam science
, Thin-film surfaces and interfaces
, Inorganic and coordination chemistry
, Basic physical chemistry
Research keywords (12):
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
, Catalyst
, Local structure analysis
, 放射光
, 表面化学
, 表面磁性
, 薄膜磁性
, Synchrotron radiation
, Surface Chemistry
, Surface science
, Surface and thin film magnetism
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 2016 - 2020 KK-XAFSの高度化による構造材料の表面腐食過程の理解と耐腐食性材料への展開
- 2016 - 2019 「XAFSによる食品科学」の開拓へ向けたCaの化学状態分析と骨粗鬆症対策への展開
- 2013 - 2018 Materials Science and Application of Electrides
- 2012 - 2014 表面敏感なリアルタイム反応追跡法の開発による触媒表面の観察と反応機構の解明
- 2008 - 2011 Development of Time-Resolved Ambient-Pressure Surface Core-Level Spectroscopy and its Application to Surface Dynamic Processes
- 2009 - 2010 Combination approach of STM and XAFS to Local Structure Analysis of Unique Surface Magnetic species
- 2005 - 2007 磁性薄膜のスピン再配列転移の動的過程の追跡とその機構の3次元的解明
- Magnetic Anisotropy of Magnetic thin films
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Papers (112):
Kiya Ogasawara, Masayoshi Miyazaki, Kazuki Miyashita, Hitoshi Abe, Yasuhiro Niwa, Masato Sasase, Masaaki Kitano, Hideo Hosono. Ammonia Decomposition over Water-Durable Hexagonal BaTiO3-xNy-Supported Ni Catalysts. Advanced Energy Materials. 2023
Kohei Fujiwara, Yasuyuki Kato, Hitoshi Abe, Shun Noguchi, Junichi Shiogai, Yasuhiro Niwa, Hiroshi Kumigashira, Yukitoshi Motome, Atsushi Tsukazaki. Berry curvature contributions of kagome-lattice fragments in amorphous Fe-Sn thin films. Nature Communications. 2023. 14. 1
Angelo P. Rillera, Mayrene A. Uy, Keito Shinohara, Melvin John F. Empizo, Toshihiko Shimizu, Hideki Yoshida, Nobuhiko Sarukura, Hitoshi Abe. Surface oxidation and Fe valency distribution in celadon glaze revealed by depth-resolved Fe K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2023
Yihao Jiang, Ryu Takashima, Takuya Nakao, Masayoshi Miyazaki, Yangfan Lu, Masato Sasase, Yasuhiro Niwa, Hitoshi Abe, Masaaki Kitano, Hideo Hosono. Boosted Activity of Cobalt Catalysts for Ammonia Synthesis with BaAl2O4-xHy Electrides. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2023
Kentaro Fuku, Takefumi Yoshida, Tetsu Sato, Hiroaki Iguchi, Shinya Takaishi, Ryota Sakamoto, Hitoshi Abe. Data Mining from XANES Spectra of Nickel Complexes for Structure Estimation. Chemistry Letters. 2023
MISC (38):
池田一貴, 池田一貴, 池田一貴, 藤崎布美佳, 藤崎布美佳, 大友季哉, 大友季哉, 大友季哉, 大友季哉, 大下英敏, et al. NaAlH4-TiCl3の水素放出再吸蔵過程における中性子・X線散乱による構造解析と触媒効果の発現. 日本金属学会講演大会(Web). 2022. 170th
大友季哉, 大友季哉, 大友季哉, 藤崎布美佳, 本田孝志, 本田孝志, 大下英敏, 池田一貴, 中尾裕則, 中尾裕則, et al. Atom and ion transport mechanism in NaAlH4-Ti compounds. 量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web). 2018. 2017
Takefumi Yoshida, Yemineni S. L. V. Narayana, Hitoshi Abe, Masayoshi Higuchi. Back cover: Slow magnetic relaxation and luminescence of Tb-based coordination polymer. Dalton Trans. 2018. 47. 16360-16360
D. Wakabayashi, N. Funamori, T. Kikegawa, K. Watanabe, S. Kohara, H. Nitani, Y. Niwa, Y. Takeichi, H. Abe, M. Kimura. High-pressure in-situ XAFS-XRD measurements of liquid iodine with MAX80. Photon Factory Highlights 2017. 2018. 22-23
井上泰徳, 北野政明, 岸田和久, 阿部仁, 阿部仁, 阿部仁, 丹羽尉博, 笹瀬雅人, 横山壽治, 原亨和, et al. カルシウムアミド上にフラットな形状で自己組織化したRuナノ粒子によるアンモニア合成. Photon Factory News. 2017. 35. 1. 23-27
Lectures and oral presentations (133):
XAFS studies at Photon Factory, KEK, and a faculty and student team visit
(The 2022 joint virtual meeting of the African Light Source (AfLS), the African Physical Society (AfPS), AfLS-AfPS 2022 2022)
Surface sensitive hard x-ray spectroscopy, Total REflection X-ray Spectroscopy (TREXS), to study surface chemical reactions
(The 22nd International Vacuum Congress (IVC-22) 2022)
Examples of XAFS studies at Photon Factory
(LAAAMP Africa Workshop 2022)
(第25回XAFS討論会 2022)
XAFS application to low dimensional science and low dimensionally modified material
(The 18th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure 2022 (XAFS2022) 2022)
Education (4):
- - 2008 The University of Tokyo
- - 2008 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Science Chemistry
- - 2003 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry
- - 2003 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science chemistry
Professional career (1):
- Ph. D. (Science) (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (8):
- 2019/10 - 現在 Ibaraki University Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor
- 2010/04 - 現在 高エネルギー加速器研究機構 物質構造科学研究所(放射光) 准教授 (慶應義塾大学 理工学部 化学科 訪問准教授 2010年4月 - 2011年3月)
- 2010/04 - 現在 Associate Professor, Photon Factory, IMSS, KEK, Apr. 2010 - Present
- 2008/04 - 2010/03 Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Chemistry
- 2005/04 - 2008/03 日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC1) 2005年4月-2008年3月
- 2008 - Assistant Professor, Keio University, Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2010
- 2005 - JSPS Special Research Fellow (DC1), Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2008
- Visiting Associate Professor, Keio University
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Committee career (20):
- 2021/08 - 現在 IUCr (International Union of Crystallogpaphy) Commission on XAFS
- 2019/10 - 現在 JSSRR Council
- 2019/10 - 現在 日本放射光学会 評議員
- 2018/09 - 現在 Japan XAFS Society Planning
- 2018/09 - 現在 日本XAFS研究会 企画幹事
- 2018/07 - 現在 国際XAFS学会 Executive Committee
- 2018/07 - 現在 International X-ray Absorption Society (IXAS) Executive Committee
- 2016/04 - 現在 MEXT NISTEP Investigator
- 2016/04 - 現在 文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所 科学技術予測センター 専門調査員
- 2016/04 - 現在 SSSJ (Surf. Sci. Soc. Jpn) Publishing
- 2016/04 - 現在 日本表面科学会 出版委員
- 2014/02 - 現在 文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所 科学技術動向研究センター 専門調査員
- 2011/09 - 2017/12 Japan XAFS Society Secretary general
- 2011/09 - 2017/12 日本XAFS研究会 庶務幹事
- 2013/10 - 2015/09 JSSRR Event
- 2013/10 - 2015/09 日本放射光学会 行事委員
- 2011/10 - 2013/09 JSSRR Editorial
- 2011/10 - 2013/09 日本放射光学会 編集委員
- 2009 - 2011/09 Japan XAFS Society Secretary
- 2009 - 2011 日本XAFS研究会 企画幹事
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Awards (11):
- 2011/12 - The Surface Science Society of Japan Encouragement award
- 2010 - 井上研究奨励賞(第27回)
- 2010 - Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists
- 2009 - 表面科学学術講演会 講演奨励賞
- 2009 - SSSJ Young-Researcher Lecture Award
- 2008 - The Best Poster Prize, International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology 5 (ISSS-5)
- 2008 - 東京大学大学院理学系研究科研究奨励賞
- 2008 - The Best Poster Prize, International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology 5 (ISSS-5)
- 2008 - Research encouragement award, Graduate School of Science, Tokyo University
- 2004 - XAFS討論会 スチューデント奨励賞
- 2004 - Student encouragement award, Japan XAFS conference
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Association Membership(s) (11):
International X-ray Absorption Society
, 日本化学会
, 日本表面科学会
, 日本放射光学会
, 日本XAFS研究会
, 日本物理学会
, The Chemical Society of Japan
, Surface Science Society of Japan
, Japan Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research
, Japan XAFS Society
, Japan Physical Society
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