Research field (1):
Green/sustainable/environmental chemistry
Research keywords (3):
, recycling
, waste treatment
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
1992 - 微生物処理型生ゴミ処理システムの開発
1992 - Development of microbial garbage treating system
Papers (27):
Satoshi Matsuda, Reni Sutri Suherman, Akira Yanagihara, Tadashi Yamauchi. Characterization of the Microbial Community in A Continuous Garbage Treatment Process. Energy and Environment Research. 2021. 11. 1. 37-49
Matsuda Satoshi. Re-Examination of the Concept of "Primary Energy" for a Precise Analysis of Energy Issues. 2020. 8. 1. 22-29
Yu, Q, 責任著者, Matsuda, S. Identification of Key Factors Influencing Water Quality in Two Shallow Lakes. International J. Environment and Pollution Research. 2019. 7. 3. 1-14
Reni Sutri Suherman, Y.Yamaguchi, A. Yanagihara, T. Yamauchi, 責任著者]S. Matsuda. Effect of Rice Bran on Continuous Organic Waste Decomposition Processes. Energy and Environmental Research. 2019. 9. 1. 61-70
責任著者, 松田 智, 共著者, 久保田. Analysis of the Effectiveness of the FIT(Feed-in Tariff) Mechanism and a Measure to Introduce Renewable Energies. J. Environmental Conservation Engineering. 2015. 44. 4. 214-219
責任著者]Satoshi MATSUDA, 共著者]Hiroshi KUBOTA. The Assessment of Bio-Ethanol for Fuel Oil as a Countermeasure against Global Warming. Proceeding of 7th Inter-Academia. 2008. 79-86
松田 智. Development of New Purification Process for Waste Water including Suspended Solids. 2007. 52. 12. 908-913