J-GLOBAL ID:200901062972230417
Update date: Aug. 27, 2020
Shimizu Tetsuya
シミズ テツヤ | Shimizu Tetsuya
Research field (2):
Respiratory surgery
, Cardiovascular surgery
Research keywords (2):
, Thoraut surgery
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
Intrathoracic lavage in Primary lung cancer
MISC (5):
Tetsuya Shimizu, Yasunori Matsuzaki, Toshio Onitsuka, Yasuhiro Usuma, Yasutaka Gotou. Aortico-pulmonary paraganglioma showing remarkable regression with cyclophosphamide. International Journal of Clinical Oncology. 1999. 4. 5. 298-301
皮内反応を用いた肺拒絶反応の早期治療の試み. 日本移植学会. 1992. 27. 2. 166
Early Treatment of Acute Lung Rejection Following Early Diagnosis Using a Skin Test with Extraeted Donor Antigens. Japanese Journal of Transplantation. 1992. 27. 2. 166
肺移植における拒絶反応の特異的早期診断に関する実験的研究. 日本移植学会. 1991. 26. 3. 203
An Experimental Study on the Specific and Early Diagnosis for Rejection of Lung Transplantation. Japanese Journal of Transplantation. 1991. 26. 3. 203
Professional career (1):
Work history (1):
University of Miyazaki Faculty of Medicine, Hospital
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 肺癌学会
, 日本呼吸器外科学会
, 日本胸部外科学会
, 日本外科学会
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