J-GLOBAL ID:200901063405400650
Update date: Dec. 23, 2024
Miyamoto Hiroyuki
ミヤモト ヒロユキ | Miyamoto Hiroyuki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (2):
Research field (1):
Material fabrication and microstructure control
Research keywords (12):
, severe plastic deformation
, 応力腐食割れ
, 粒界現象
, 超塑性
, ultrafine grain structure
, 結晶粒界
, stress corrosion cracking
, grain boundary phenomena
, superplasticity
, fine-grained structure
, grain boundary
Research theme for competitive and other funds (15):
- 2022 - 2025 強ひずみ加工法により作製した超微細結晶組織材料の逐次加工性向上
- 2021 - 2023 Effect of grain refinement on corrosion behaivor of high-entropy alloys
- 2019 - 2021 Enhanced corrosion resistance of high entropy alloys by grain refinement
- 2018 - 2021 Grain boundary enhanced ductility of ultrafine grained materials
- 2017 - 2019 Corrosion properties of magnesium alloys with various microstructure by severe plastic deformation
- 2014 - 2017 Processing of ultrafine grained materials free of residual dislocations by SPD and annealling
- 2013 - 2015 電着法によるナノ粒子分散バルクナノメタルの開発と分散制御
- 2011 - 2013 電着法による強度と熱的安定性が卓越したナノ粒子分散型バルクナノ金属の創成
- 2010 - 2012 Texture control for high formability of ferritic stainless steel by combined processing of ECAP and cold-rolling
- 2007 - 2009 Wide-area SEM observation of dislocation structures and the restructuring of fracture estimation model
- 2007 - 2008 Reduction of Grain boundary energy to stabilize ultra-fine grain structure produced by severe plastic deformation
- 2004 - 2005 A study on the clarification of formation mechanism, environmental embrittlement and fatigue behavior of nanocrystals
- 1998 - 1998 集合組織制御した微細粒二相ステンレス鋼板の超塑性
- 1997 - Emvironmental embrittlement of ultra-fine grain materials
- 1997 - 超微細結晶材料の環境脆化
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Papers (116):
Ü. Şimşek, K. Davu, H. Miyamoto, T. Yalçinkaya. Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Twist Extrusion Processes with Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Analysis. Materials. 2024. 17. 5. 1139
N. Hata, M. Yuasa, H. Miyamoto, K. Edalati. Influence of grain refinement via high-pressure torsion on corrosion behavior of medium- and high-entropy alloys CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi with various chromium contents. Journal of Materials Science. 2024
Mohammad Hassan Farshidi, Hiroyuki Miyamoto, Haruka Ito. Effect of pre-rolling aging treatment on evolutions of the microstructure and the texture of aluminium alloy 7005 subjected to heavy cold rolling. Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials. 2023. 79. 5. 408-413
Hiroyuki Miyamoto. Revealing What Enhance the Corrosion Resistance beside Grain Size in Ultrafine Grained Materials by Severe Plastic Deformation: Stainless Steels Case. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 2023. 64. 7. 1419-1428
Motohiro Yuasa, Ryoichi Sato, Takao Hoshino, Daisuke Ando, Yoshikazu Todaka, Hiroyuki Miyamoto, Hidetoshi Somekawa. Microstructure Evolution and Local Hardness of Mg-Y-Zn Alloys Processed by ECAE. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 2023. 64. 4. 730-734
MISC (125):
Kaveh Edalati, Anwar Q. Ahmed, Saeid Akrami, Kei Ameyama, Valery Aptukov, Rashid N. Asfandiyarov, Maki Ashida, Vasily Astanin, Andrea Bachmaier, Victor Beloshenko, et al. Severe plastic deformation for producing superfunctional ultrafine-grained and heterostructured materials: An interdisciplinary review. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2024. 1002
星野孝男, 湯浅元仁, 湯浅元仁, 安藤大輔, 染川英俊, 宮本博之. ECAP加工に供したMg-Y-Zn合金の組織と局所硬さの関係. 日本金属学会講演大会(Web). 2021. 168th
湯浅元仁, 湯浅元仁, 染川英俊, 戸高義一, 安藤大輔, 宮本博之. 塑性加工プロセスがキンク形成に及ぼす影響. 日本金属学会講演大会(Web). 2021. 169th
Effects of Stacking Fault Energy and Solute Atoms on Microstructures of Ultrafine Grained Copper Alloys Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation. 2021. 60. 1. 29-34
星野孝男, 湯浅元仁, 湯浅元仁, 安藤大輔, 染川英俊, 宮本博之. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Y-Zn alloys processed by Equal-Channel-Angular-Pressing. 軽金属学会大会講演概要. 2020. 138th
Books (1):
環境材料学とナノテクノロジー 2005
Works (8):
2000 - 2001
stress corrosion cracking of two-phase brass
2000 - 2001
1997 - 2001
Liquid metal embrittlement of feritic stainless steel
1997 - 2001
1997 - 1999
Education (4):
- - 1992 Doshisha University
- - 1992 Doshisha University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 1989 Doshisha University
- - 1989 Doshisha University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (2):
- Doctor of Engineering (Doshisha University)
- Master of Engineering (Doshisha University)
Work history (5):
- 2008/04 - 現在 Doshisha University Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Mechanical and Systems Engineering
- 2002/04 - 2008/03 Doshisha University
- 2000 - 2002 Doshisha University
- 1997 - 2000 Doshisha University
- 1992 - 1997 住友金属工業株式会社 総合技術研究所
Committee career (10):
- 2022/04 - 現在 日本金属学会 会誌・欧文誌編集委員
- 2011/04 - 現在 一般社団法人日本国際学生技術研修協会 (イアエステ) 理事
- 2021/04 - 2022/03 日本機械学会 代議員
- 2020/04 - 2022/03 日本塑性加工学会 理事
- 2019/04 - 2021/03 日本材料学会 代議員
- 2017/04 - 2020/03 日本塑性加工学会 関西支部 庶務幹事
- 2010/04 - 2014/03 日本金属学会 会誌・欧文誌編集委員
- 2010/04 - 2012/03 日本機械学会 関西支部 幹事
- 2008/04 - 2010/03 日本材料学会 関西支部 幹事
- 2004/04 - 2008/03 日本塑性加工学会 関西支部幹事
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Awards (4):
- 2024/12 - Journal of alloys and compounds Best Paper Awards severe plastic deformation for producing superfunctional ultrafine-grained and heterostructured materials: An interdisciplinary review
- 2021/10 - 日本銅学会 論文賞
- 2011/03 - 日本材料学会 関西支部 支部長賞
- 2007/03 - 日本金属学会 金属組織写真奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (5):
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
, Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
, Japan Institute of Metals
, Society of Materials Science Japan
, Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity
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