2012 - 2015 Elucidation of enhanced process in aging central nerve by the running and balance exercise
2013 - 2015 脊髄損傷後の骨折から新たな骨折治癒促進法を探る
2011 - 2012 中枢性麻痺後の筋と関節包の網羅的解析による関節拘縮の発生機序の解明
2010 - 2012 Development of a new anti-tumor therapy by occlusion of blood vessels
2009 - 2011 Elucidation of the natural healing mechanism after knee anterior cruciate ligament tear and it's clinical application
2009 - 2011 Physical exercise enhanced the sensory function in the knee joint with aging and disuse
2009 - 2011 中枢性麻痺に伴う関節拘縮に対する治療戦略の探索と基盤確立
2008 - 2010 Effects of respiratory function and diaphragm muscle on rats with cervical spinal cord injury
2007 - 2008 Search of natural healing for conservative treatment after anterior cruciate ligament rupture
2007 - 2008 中枢性麻痺に伴う関節拘縮の原因となる関節構造内の変性の解明
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Papers (120):
Junpei Hatakeyama, Shota Inoue, Hanlin Jiang, Ryo Yokoi, Hideki Moriyama. Exercise-induced interactions between skeletal muscle and bone via myokines and osteokine in mice: Role of FNDC5/irisin, IGF-1, and osteocalcin. Bone. 2025. in press
Masato Nomura, Hideki Moriyama, Yoshio Wakimoto, Yasushi Miura. Disuse atrophy of articular cartilage can be restored by mechanical reloading in mice. Molecular Biology Reports. 2024. 51. 1. 1018
Chunxiao He, Toshiya Tsubaki, Shota Inoue, Junpei Hatakeyama, Hanlin Jiang, Hideki Moriyama. Effects of aerobic exercise at different intensities on articular cartilage in mice. Physiology International. 2024. 111. 3. 271-286
Naoki Akazawa, Keita Funai, Toshikazu Hino, Ryota Tsuji, Wataru Tamura, Kimiyuki Tamura, Akemi Hioka, Hideki Moriyama. Change in body weight is positively related to the change in muscle mass of the quadriceps in older inpatients with severely low BMI according to the GLIM criteria. BMC Geriatrics. 2024. 24. 1. 711
Yoshio Wakimoto, Yasushi Miura, Shota Inoue, Masato Nomura, Hideki Moriyama. Effects of different combinations of mechanical loading intensity, duration, and frequency on the articular cartilage in mice. Molecular Biology Reports. 2024. 51. 1. 862
2003 - 2006 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Health Sciences
2001 - 2003 Hiroshima University
Professional career (1):
Ph.D. in Health Science (Hiroshima University)
Work history (8):
2012/04 - 現在 Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences
2010/04 - 2012/03 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Health Sciences
2009/04 - 2010/03 Saitama Prefectural University Graduate Course of Health and Social Services
2008/04 - 2010/03 Saitama Prefectural University School of Health and Social Services
2006 - 2009 School of Health and Social Services, Saitama Prefectural University
2008/09 - アントワープ大学 客員研究員
2007/04 - 2008/03 Saitama Prefectural University School of Health and Social Services
2006/06 - 2007/03 Saitama Prefectural University School of Health and Social Services, Department of Physical Therapy
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Committee career (5):
2022/08 - 現在 日本理学療法学会連合 編集委員
2022/01 - 現在 日本運動器理学療法学会 編集委員
2012/07 - 現在 日本運動器科学会 評議員
2006/06 - 現在 専門リハビリテーション研究会 編集委員
2015/08 - 2022/06 日本理学療法士協会 査読委員
Awards (11):
2024/10 - 第28回日本基礎理学療法学会学術大会学会長賞
2023/06 - 第33回日本老年学会総会優秀演題賞
2021/11 - 第26回日本基礎理学療法学会学術大会学会長賞
2019/05 - World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) Congress 2019 Outstanding Poster Presentation Awards
2018/12 - 第5回日本運動器理学療法学会学術集会学術集会長賞
2018/11 - 第52回日本理学療法学術大会奨励賞
2017/09 - 第3回日本運動器理学療法学会学術集会優秀賞
2012/05 - 日本理学療法士協会 第3回学術誌掲載論文優秀賞
2009/12 - 埼玉県立大学 若手教員研究奨励賞
2008/12 - 埼玉県立大学 若手教員研究奨励賞
2006/03 - 広島大学学長表彰(学術研究活動)
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Association Membership(s) (11):
, Japanese Society for Musculoskeletal Medicine
, Japanese Physical Therapy Association
, World Confederation for Physical Therapy
, 炭酸ガス治療研究会
, 日本組織細胞化学会
, 日本骨代謝学会
, 日本軟骨代謝学会
, 専門リハビリテーション研究会
, 日本運動器科学会
, 日本理学療法士協会