Research field (2):
Experimental psychology
, Social psychology
Research keywords (2):
, Developmental psychology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2005 - 2007 Intervention studies of the effects of positive affect and coping on health and adaptation
2001 - 2004 小学生の攻撃性
2001 - 2004 School Children's Aggression
Papers (1):
Sakai Akiko, Yamasaki Katsuyuki. Development of the Proactive and Reactive Aggression Questionnaire for elementary school children. The Japanese journal of psychology. 2004. 75. 3. 254-261
The effects of three types of aggressiveness on depression and enjoyment of school life in elementary school children. Japanese Journal of School Health. 2003. 45,65-75
The criterion for classifications of aggressiveness scores in elementary school children: On the three types of aggressiveness by the P-R Aggression Questionnaire. Bulletin of Mimasama Women's Colloge. 2003. 48, 101-106