J-GLOBAL ID:200901064214578731   Update date: Aug. 06, 2022

Komiya Akira

コミヤ アキラ | Komiya Akira
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Literature - General ,  Literature - Chinese
Research keywords  (4): 比較文化 ,  比較文学 ,  Comparative Studies of Sultrre ,  Comparative Literature
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 近世・近代における文化接触の動態の研究
  • Study on Interactions among the Modern Cultures
MISC (22):
  • 寺田寅彦の文体-生命の物理学. 比較文学研究. 2002. (80). 56-72
  • The Style of Terada Torahiko. Studies of Comparative Litereture. 2002. (26). 56-72
  • KOMIYA Akira. Terada Torahiko and "Kangetsu-kun" in Natsume Soseki's I Am a Cat : Science and Literature in Modern Japan. Annals of the Institute for Comparative Studies of Culture, Tokyo Woman's Christian University. 1997. 58. 1-22
  • Terada Torahiko and"Kangetsu-kun"in Natsume S(]J1152[)seki'sn Cl Am a Cat : Science and Literature in Modern Japan. Annals of the Institute for Comparative Studies of Cuture, Tokyo Woman's Christian University. 1997. 58. 1-22
  • 異郷としての日本-ゴビノーの『人種不平等論』と近世日本. 論集『滅びと異郷の比較文化』. 1994. 221-236
Education (6):
  • - 1978 The University of Tokyo
  • - 1978 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Humanities Comparative Literaturc and Comparatire Studies of Sulturc
  • - 1973 The University of Tokyo
  • - 1973 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Humanities Comparative Literature and Comparative Studies of Culture
  • - 1971 The University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences
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Professional career (1):
  • Master of Arts (The University of Tokyo)
Committee career (1):
  • 1995 - 1999 日本比較文学会 理事
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本フランス語フランス文学会 ,  国際比較文学会 International Comparative Literature Association ,  日本比較文学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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