J-GLOBAL ID:200901065046934418
Update date: Jun. 09, 2020
Tadaki Nakahara
ナカハラ タダキ | Tadaki Nakahara
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Research keywords (1):
Nuclear medicine
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2016 - 2019 18F-FDG標識赤血球PETによる生体内血液量の測定法の確立
Papers (58):
Tadaki Nakahara, Hiromitsu Daisaki, Yasushi Yamamoto, Takashi Iimori, Kazuyuki Miyagawa, Tomoya Okamoto, Yoshiki Owaki, Nobuhiro Yada, Koichi Sawada, Ryotaro Tokorodani, et al. Use of a digital phantom developed by QIBA for harmonizing SUVs obtained from the state-of-the-art SPECT/CT systems: a multicenter study. EJNMMI RESEARCH. 2017. 7
Mari Katagiri, Tadaki Nakahara, Mitsushige Murata, Yuji Ogata, Yohji Matsusaka, Yu Iwabuchi, Yoshitake Yamada, Keiichi Fukuda, Masahiro Jinzaki. Incidental spade-shaped FDG uptake in the left ventricular apex suggests apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE. 2017. 31. 5. 399-406
Daisaki, Hiromitsu, Nakahara, Tadaki, Okamoto, Tomoya, Iimori, Takashi, Tokorodani, Ryotaro, Yamamoto, Yasushi. Harmonization of SUV using vendor-neutral quantitative software and Digital Reference Object by QIBA in 99mTc-HMDP bone SPECT/CT scans. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE. 2017. 58
Owaki, Yoshiki, Nakahara, Tadaki, Inoue, Kazumasa, Fukushi, Masahiro, Nakajima, Kiyotaka. Comparison of Step-and-Shoot and Continuous Bed Motion Acquisitions Using an Oscillating Phantom. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE. 2017. 58
Owaki, Yoshiki, Nakahara, Tadaki, Inoue, Kazumasa, Fukushi, Masahiro, Nakajima, Kiyotaka. Comparison of Step-and-Shoot and Continuous Bed Motion Acquisitions Using an Oscillating Phantom. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE. 2017. 58
Lectures and oral presentations (40):
(第58回日本核医学会関東甲信越地方会 2003)
Visualization of the patients' silhouettes with comptonscattered photons in lymphoscintigraphy for sentinel nodes
(International Sentinel Node Congress 2002)
Sentinel node imaging using an imaging probe with semiconductor detector
(International Sentinel Node Congress 2002)
Sentinel node imaging using an imaging probe with semiconductor detector
(Sentienl Node 2002 2002)
Visualization of the patients' silhouettes with Compton-scattered photons in lymphoscintigraphy for sentinel nodes
(Sentinel Node 2002 2002)
Awards (1):
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