J-GLOBAL ID:200901065488586206   Update date: Feb. 01, 2024

Ishigaki Naoki

イシガキ ナオキ | Ishigaki Naoki
Affiliation and department:
Job title: professor
Research field  (2): Local studies ,  Cultural anthropology and folklore
Research keywords  (5): Cultural Anthropology ,  Social Anthropology ,  先住民研究 ,  沖縄 ,  台湾
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 2018 - 2021 Cross-boundary Studies of Rethinking of Global Studies from the Indigenous people's points of view
  • 2010 - 2014 Historical recognition constructed under control of multi-layered foreign powers, including Japan: An anthropological comparison between Taiwan and Micronesia
  • 2009 - 2011 台湾総合研究III 社会の求心力と遠心力
  • 2009 - 2011 Anthropological Study on Multiple-Game Situation in Southeast Asia
  • 2007 - 2010 台湾先住民・ブヌン族による地図作成運動と土地観念の歴史的変容に関する人類学的研究
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Papers (25):
  • ISHIGAKI, Naoki. Ethnic Cluture Education in Taiwan's Indigenous Society(1): A Case Study of Bunun's Experimental School Supported by an Educational Foundation. Studies on Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan. 2022. 26. 39-76
  • ISHIGAKI Naoki. The Revival of Confucius Ceremony in Post-War Okinawa: Influences from Taipei Confucius Temple in Historical Documents and others. NANTO BUNKA. 2020. (43). 17-41
  • ISHIGAKI, Naoki. The Indigenous Peoples' Education Policy in Contemporary Taiwan: Cases from Native language Education, Village School, and Experimental Education. 2020. 24. 163-193
  • ISHIGAKI, Naoki. Reconstruction of the Kume Confucius Temple in Post-war Okinawa and the Republic of China: Focusing on Cooperation and Donations around 1975 and Their Political and Cultural Backgrounds. NANTO BUNKA. 2020. (42). 127-152
  • ISHIGAKI, Naoki. The Past and the Present Situation of Confucius Ceremonies in Ryukyu/Okinawa: Focusing on the Case of the Kume Confucius Temple. NANTO BUNKA. 2019. (41). 17-50
MISC (20):
  • ISHIGAKI, Naoki. Commentary. 2019. (23). 107-110
  • 石垣 直. 【報告】「2014年台湾原住民族国際学術研討会参加報告」. 『台湾原住民研究』. 2014. 18. 142-149
  • 石垣 直. 【書評】「松田京子著 『帝国の思考--日本「帝国」と台湾原住民』」. 『台湾原住民研究』. 2014. 18
  • 石垣 直. 【書評】「黄應貴著 『「文明」之路』(全3巻)」. 『台湾原住民研究』. 2013. 17
  • 石垣 直. 【書評】「林淑美(編著)『現代オーストロネシア語族と華人--口述歴史:台湾を事例として』」. 日本順益台湾原住民研究会(編)『台湾原住民研究』. 2013. 16
Books (17):
  • "Chapter 11 Taiwan: How have the Indigenous Peoples' Rights been promoted in non-UN member states?"
    2022 ISBN:9784797268119
  • Multi-layered 'colonial experience': collisions, contacts, and re-encounters of the Bunun with 'Japan', MIO, Yuko (ed.) Memories of Japan Empire: Comparison of the Colonial and Decolonization Experiences in Taiwan and Nan'yō Guntō: 57-78. London & New York
    Routledge 2021 ISBN:9780367677466
  • 「近代国家の成立と「先住民族」--台湾と沖縄の歴史と現状」深山直子/丸山淳子/木村真希子(編)『先住民からみる現代世界--わたしたちの〈あたりまえ〉に挑む』:95-117.
    昭和堂 2018 ISBN:4812216400
  • 「現代台湾における原住民族語復興への取り組み--その歴史的経緯・実践と沖縄「しまくとぅば復興」への提言」沖縄国際大学公開講座委員会(編)『しまくとぅばルネサンス』:343-375.(沖縄国際大学公開講座26)
    東洋企画 2017 ISBN:4905412706
  • "Return to the Homeland: Land Claims and Historical Changes in the Relationship between the Bunun and their Land", 中央研究院民族學研究所/順益台灣原住民博物館(編)『民族、地理與發展--人地關係研究的跨學科交會』:131-161.(順益台灣原住民博物館20周年紀念叢書2)
    順益台灣原住民博物館 2017 ISBN:9789869239639
Lectures and oral presentations  (24):
  • Indigenous Culture Education at Experimental School in Taiwan: Focusing on the case of Bunun's T Elementary School in Taitung County.
  • The Revival of Indigenous Laguage in Contemporary Taiwan: Their Trajectory and the Present, and the Suggestion towards Okinawan Language Revival.
  • 「現代台湾における原住民母語復興(1)--諸政策の歴史的展開と現在」
    (沖縄民俗学会(総会) 2015)
  • 「交錯する「植民地経験」--台湾原住民・ブヌンと「日本」との接触・衝突・邂逅」
    (沖縄民俗学会/九州人類学研究会合同研究会 (日本文化人類学会 九州・沖縄地区地域懇談会) 2014)
  • "Return to the Homeland: Land Claims and Historical Changes of the Relation between the Bunun and Land."
    (The 2014 International Conference on Formosan Indigenous Peoples: Contemporary Perspectives. 2014)
Education (2):
  • 2002 - 2008 Tokyo Metropolitan University
  • 1999 - 2002 Tokyo Metropolitan University
Professional career (2):
  • Ph.D(Social Anthropology) (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
  • 社会人類学博士、2008年 (東京都立大学)
Work history (9):
  • 2016/04 - 現在 Okinawa International University College of Global and Regional Culture, Department of Society and Regional Culture professor
  • 2012/04 - 2016/03 Okinawa International University Department of Society and Rigional Culture, College of Grobal and Regional Culture
  • 2010/04 - 2012/03 Okinawa International University Department of Society and Rigional Culture, College of Grobal and Regional Culture
  • 2009/04 - 2010/03 Takasaki City University of Economics
  • 2009/04 - 2010/03 Takasaki City University of Economics
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Committee career (2):
  • 2015/11 - 現在 那覇日台親善協会 理事
  • 2012/04 - 現在 沖縄民俗学会 運営委員
Awards (2):
  • 2021/02 - Kubo Noritada Ryukyu-China Relations Research Encouraging Prize
  • 2009/06 - 日本台湾学会賞(第5回・歴史社会分野) (2007年発表の論文「現代台湾の多文化主義と先住権の行方」『日本台湾学会報』9号に対して)
Association Membership(s) (5):
沖縄文化協会 ,  沖縄民俗学会 ,  東京都立大学社会人類学会 ,  日本台湾学会 ,  日本文化人類学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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