Evolution of skeletal muscle excitation-contraction coupling.
In (Toward Molecular Biophysics of Ion Channels) Eds Sokabe, M. et al. Elsevier Scientific Press, Amsterdam 1997
Evolution of skeletal muscle excitation-contraction coupling.
In (Toward Molecular Biophysics of Ion Channels) Eds Sokabe, M. et al. Elsevier Scientific Press, Amsterdam, 1997
Resting and active K channels in the squid axon membrane
In Cephalopod Neurobiology (Ed. Abbott, N. J., Williamson, R. and Maddok, L.), pp73-83 Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995 1995
ATP-sensitive K<sup>+</sup> channel of the inner membrane of rat liver mitochondria.
In (Handbook of Membrane Channels: Molecular and Cellular Physiology)(Ed. C. Feracchia) Academic Press, New York 1994
ATP-sensitive K<sup>+</sup> channel of the inner membrane of rat liver mitochondria.
In (Handbook of Membrane Channels: Molecular and Cellular Physiology)(Ed. C. Feracchia) pp.549-554 Academic Press, New York, 1994 1994
Education (6):
- 1969 Waseda University
- 1969 Waseda University Science Biophysics
- 1967 Waseda University School of Science and Engineering
- 1967 Waseda University Science and Engineering Applied Physics
Osaka University
Osaka University Science Physiology
Show all
Professional career (1):
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Hokkaido University)
Work history (10):
1987/05 - . 徳島大学酵素科学研究センター助教授
1987/05 - Associate Professor, Institute
1978/08 - . 徳島大学医学部海洋生物実験所助教授
1978/08 - Associate Professor, Institute f
1971/04 - . 北海道大学薬学部助手
1971/04 - Research Associate, Faculty of Pharmaceutical
for Enzyme Research, Tokushima University
Tokushima University
or Marine Biology, Department of Medicine,
Sciences, Hokkaido University
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Awards (5):
中国ろ州医科大学名誉教授 1993.5
Ray Lankester フェロウ 英国立海洋生物研究所 1993.11
Honorary Professor, Luzhou Medical College, China 1993
UK 1993
Ray Lank ester Fellow, The Marine Biological Association of
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本生物物理学会
, 日本神経科学学会
, Physiological Society, Japan
, Neuroscience Society, Japan
, Biophysical Society, Japan