J-GLOBAL ID:200901066237767135
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Suzuki Toshio
スズキ トシオ | Suzuki Toshio
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Specially-Assigned Professor
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research keywords (2):
, Nuclear Physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 原子核構造
- Nuclear structure
- Nuclear structure
MISC (93):
Books (13):
Double giant resonance states
Proceedings of RIKEN symposium on Giant resonances (RIKEN, Wako) 1997
Nuclear response to electromagnetic field
Proceedings of International symposium on Non-nucleonic degrees of freedom detected in unclei (World Scientific, Singapore) 1997
Double giant resonance states
Proceedings of RIKEN symposium on Giant resonances (RIKEN, Wako) 1997
Nuclear response to electromagnetic field
Proceedings of International symposium on Non-nucleonic degrees of freedom detected in unclei (World Scientific, Singapore) 1997
Double giant dipole states
Proceedings of RIKEN Symposium of Structure of medium nuclei (RIKEN, Wako) 1996
Lectures and oral presentations (38):
Roles of Anti-nucleon Degrees of Freedom and Sum Rules in Relativistic Nuclear Models
(招待講演 Int. Conf. on Frontiers of Nuclear Structure, Shanghai, Chaina 2006)
Relativistic Correction to Gamow-Teller Strengths and Sum Rules
(International Symposium on Correlation Dynamics in Nuclei, Tokyo 2005)
Sum Rules in Relativistic Nuclear Models-Roles of Antinucleon-Degrees of Freedom-
(招待講演 XVI International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, Varna 2005)
Energy-weighted and Non-energy-weighted Gamoe-Teller Sum Rules in the Relativistic Random Phase Approximation
(招待講演 China Institute of Atomic Energy 2004)
原子核の相対論的模型による Gamow-Teller Sum Rules
(招待講演 東京大学原子核科学センター 2004)
Works (3):
原子核の相対論的模型, 基盤研究(C)一般
2008 -
原子核の巨大共鳴状態とそれに関連する問題, 基盤研究(C)一般
2004 -
原子核の巨大共鳴状態とそれに関連する問題, 基盤研究(C)
2003 -
Education (4):
- - 1972 Tohoku University
- - 1972 Tohoku University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science 原子核理学
- - 1967 Tohoku University Faculty of Science Department of Physics
- - 1967 Tohoku University Faculty of Science 物理学科
Professional career (1):
Work history (18):
- 1991 - 2010 University of Fukui
- 1991 - 2010 University of Fukui, Graduate School of Engineering, Professor
- 2010 - - 福井大学, 特命教授
- 2010 - - University of Fukui, Specially-Assigned Professor
- 1989 - 1991 Aichi Prefectural University
- 1989 - 1991 Aichi Prefectural University, Assistant Professor
- 1978 - 1989 Kyoto University Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
- 1978 - 1989 Tukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Research Assistant
- 1977 - 1978 フランス・オルセー原子核研究所 研究助手
- 1977 - 1978 Institute of Nuclear Physics, Orsay, France, Research Associate
- 1975 - 1977 University of Toronto
- 1975 - 1977 Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Postdoctoral Fellow
- 1973 - 1975 理化学研究所 特別研究員
- 1973 - 1975 Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Postdoctoral Fellow
- 1975 - 東京大学原子核研究所 教務補佐員
- 1975 - Institute of Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo, Research Fellow
- 1972 - 1973 日本学術振興会 奨励研究員
- 1972 - 1973 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Postdoctoral Fellow
Show all
Committee career (2):
- 2006 - 日本工学教育協会 理事
- 2002 - 2003 日本物理学会 北陸支部長
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本物理学会
, 北陸信越工学教育協会
, 日本物理学科
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