J-GLOBAL ID:200901066499869389   Update date: Feb. 01, 2024

Sawanobori Bunji

サワノボリ ブンジ | Sawanobori Bunji
Affiliation and department:
Job title: professor
Research field  (1): Public law
Research keywords  (11): 解散権 ,  議院内閣制 ,  American Federalism ,  prisoners' rights ,  Prison Oversight Mechanism ,  Prison Reform ,  フランス人権宣言 ,  アメリカ憲法 ,  日本国憲法 ,  American constitutional Law ,  Japanese Constitutional Law
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (5):
  • 2020 - 2024 衆議院解散限定説の妥当性と議院内閣制主要4カ国との比較憲法的研究
  • 2014 - 2019 Comparative Research on the Achievements and Problems of Advocacy Organizations in Welfare Policy
  • 2009 - 2011 Achieving Prison Transparency and Offenders' Rehabilitation
  • 2006 - 2008 Research on the role and networks of advocacy organizations for the consumers of medical and welfare services
  • 2002 - 2004 Science and Technology in the Public sphere from the philosophical and political perspectives
Papers (48):
  • Parliament Dissolution in the Constitution of Australia. 2020. 43. 3. 67-103
  • SAWANOBORI, Bunji. Solitary Confinement in Japan: Incarceration within Incarceration and Global Standards. Virginia Journal of Criminal Law. 2020. 7. 1-15
  • SAWANOBORI Bunji. Prison Reform and the Proposition 57 of 2016 in California. Nanzan Law Review. 2018. 41. 3/4. 201-224
  • 沢登 文治. 「人間の尊厳」と受刑者の人権. 南山法学. 2017. 40. 3/4. 139-195
  • 沢登 文治. Closing Remarks for Symposium for the 40th Anniversary of the Center for American Studies, Nanzan University, July 2, 2016. Nanzan review of American studies = Nanzan review of American studies. 2016. 38. 131-132
MISC (29):
  • 沢登 文治. 受刑者の通信の秘密をめぐって-東京地裁平成21年4月20日判決を中心に-. 南山法学. 2009. 33. 2. 95-122
  • 沢登 文治. 住居の不可侵. 憲法の争点(ジュリスト増刊 新・法律学の争点シリーズ3). 2008. 164-165
  • 沢登 文治. 講演会参加者名簿の警視庁への無断提出とプライバシー. 南山法学. 2004. 27. 3. 139-163
  • 澤登 文治. 判例研究 エホバの証人輸血拒否事件(最高裁平成12.2.29第三小法廷判決). 南山法学. 2002. 25. 4. 153-170
  • 親族間の情義と裁判官の懲戒処分. 有斐閣ジュリスト(臨時増刊・平成13年度重要判例解説). 2002. 1224
Books (7):
  • 世界諸地域における社会的課題と制度改革
    三修社 2023 ISBN:9784384060607
  • Prisoners' Rights and Human Dignity
    2019 ISBN:9784535523784
  • Kleptomania
    2018 ISBN:9784805856987
  • 『刑務所改革 社会的コストの視点から』
    集英社新書 2015 ISBN:9784087207781
  • 『法曹の倫理(第2版)』 (共著)
    名古屋大学出版会 A5 2-3,222-242 2011 ISBN:4815805210
Lectures and oral presentations  (4):
  • Incarceration in the 21st Century
    (Faculty Meeting, School of Law, Duquesne University 2017)
  • Criminal Punishment in the 21st Century
    (Human Rights in the 21st Century 2016)
  • Industry Participation in the correctional mandate in Japan:The case of the Shin-Kurushima Dockyard
    (What is Justice? Re-imagining Penal policy International Conference 2013)
  • Revision of "Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act."
    (Terrorism and Global Security(3rd Annual Conference) 2008)
Professional career (1):
  • Master of Arts in Law (Niigata University)
Association Membership(s) (2):
日米法学会 ,  日本公法学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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