Research field (2):
Computational science
, Particle, nuclear, cosmic-ray, and astrophysics - experiment
Research keywords (4):
Large Hadron Collider
, Geant4
, Radiation Simulation
, High Energy Physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2017 - 高齢社会を支える医療・健康工学
2011 - 素粒子標準模型の精密検証で探るテラスケール物理現象
2009 - 高輝度陽子・陽子衝突実験におけるミューオン・トリガーの研究
2007 - 戦略的:システムの分析、設計およびシステムインテグレーション
2006 - システムの分析、設計およびシステムインテグレーション
2005 - システムの分析、設計およびシステムインテグレーション
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Papers (1,362):
G. Aad, E. Aakvaag, B. Abbott, S. Abdelhameed, K. Abeling, N. J. Abicht, S. H. Abidi, M. Aboelela, A. Aboulhorma, H. Abramowicz, et al. Measurement of the associated production of a top-antitop-quark pair and a Higgs boson decaying into a $$b\bar{b}$$ pair in pp collisions at $$\sqrt{s}=13$$ TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The European Physical Journal C. 2025. 85. 2
G. Aad, E. Aakvaag, B. Abbott, S. Abdelhameed, K. Abeling, N. J. Abicht, S. H. Abidi, M. Aboelela, A. Aboulhorma, H. Abramowicz, et al. Search for a heavy charged Higgs boson decaying into a W boson and a Higgs boson in final states with leptons and b-jets in $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2025. 2025. 2
G. Aad, E. Aakvaag, B. Abbott, S. Abdelhameed, K. Abeling, N. J. Abicht, S. H. Abidi, M. Aboelela, A. Aboulhorma, H. Abramowicz, et al. Search for Magnetic Monopole Pair Production in Ultraperipheral Pb+Pb Collisions at √sNN=5.36 TeV with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC. Physical Review Letters. 2025. 134. 6
G. Aad, E. Aakvaag, B. Abbott, S. Abdelhameed, K. Abeling, N. J. Abicht, S. H. Abidi, M. Aboelela, A. Aboulhorma, H. Abramowicz, et al. Search for triple Higgs boson production in the 6b final state using pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical Review D. 2025. 111. 3
G. Aad, E. Aakvaag, B. Abbott, S. Abdelhameed, K. Abeling, N. J. Abicht, S. H. Abidi, M. Aboelela, A. Aboulhorma, H. Abramowicz, et al. Search for same-charge top-quark pair production in pp collisions at $$ \sqrt{\textrm{s } } $$ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2025. 2025. 2
藏重 久弥, 村上 晃一. 放射線シミュレーション・ツールキットGeant4の最近の発展-Recent Developments of Geant4, a Toolkit for Simulation of the Passage of Particles through Matter. 日本物理学会誌 = Butsuri. 2023. 78. 3. 120-124
Kido S, Kurashige H, Maeda J, Horii Y, ATLAS Japan, rigger group. Study on Level-1 muon trigger rate reduction at the LHC-ATLAS experiment for Run2. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2015. 70.2. 0. 100-100
Miyazaki Kazuki. 11aSL-6 Results of the test of thin-gap-μ-PIC irradiated by neutrons for ATLAS upgrade. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2010. 65. 2. 13-13